Living is blank.

Feeling: abandoned
I sit alone in classes. I say nothing. I watch my life pass me by, while I wonder what I have done to have the life I do, people say I chose my own path and what I look and act like now I brought upon myself. Those are the people that are happy with themselves and their lives and the laughing and stares they get don't bother them. I stare down at my wrists and look to a knife and now I wonder why I've waited so long to stay away from them. Yes. People say suicide is a joke and it's pathetic. But again, what do they know? Those are the people who were always happy and nothing ever went wrong in their own happy lives. I am just someone who sits and does nothing but watch the 14 years pass and then the thoughts of 14 years too long come up. I haven't told anyone except anyone who bothers to read this how I feel, this is only half. There is more detailed and harsher things to bring me to these conclusions. I'll sit in my room, with my music and computer and let it all pass over me, maybe my life will one day change but until then, I'll fade in and out of people's memories as they have my own life...
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