To see your face again...

Listening to: AFI
Feeling: desolate
I'll be coming home just to be alone. Cause I know you're not there, and I know you don't care. I can hardly wait to leave this place. Now matter how hard I try you're never satisfied. This is not a home, I think I'm better off alone. You always disappear, even when you're here This is not my home... --- So the six days have ended and those passed days bring the return of Jess. Yay? It was sucn an effin boring time between the hotel and car rides - yet I am going to be doing more or less the same thing in eight days. Six to seven hours a day for going to Philadelphia only to stay for three days at Moneca's house and have to get back in the car and do it again. Psh, enough complaining about what is to come in days ahead at least this time while away from home I will be to get on the computer at her house, since I am addicted to the internet and all. We all, or most, all ready do know that. Pst, -points to comments of last entry- Thanks for 'em if you did leave them. And now to the details of my ever so wonderful trip... Friday - We drove six hours down in the van and my time was spent sleeping for the first three of it and then John, Jordan, Nick and myself played mini-games from Mario Party 5 on the Gamecube and watched 8 Crazy Nights until we stopped at a Wendys and I got slapped in the head with the bathroom door. That fucking hurt like crazy, had a huge cut on my forehead after the bump finally swelled down. The hotel pool, after we went on the first day, caused all the pink/red color in my hair to come out so now its mucho ugly in its color. I have to go get it done again or I may just put it back to black... Who knows? Then, later that day we followed Jordan's dad out to the "beach" and the whole sand on hands in swim suit factor did not appeal to me much so I just sat in my chair on the sand the whole time until the end and sand was thrown at me by the lovely John and Jordan. I hated it as much as I hated the cursed hotel beds that I am never able to fall asleep on, not that I find sleep at my own home either. Saturday - I stayed at the hotel while they went and played their baseball games. The mall was right across the street from where we stayed, but was a sorry excuse for one - it being one story and all the stores sucked so my times was spent inside Waldenbooks. I read this book called Cut it described what I do each night so perfectly... "Cuts never too deep to kill, but just enough to feel the pain." Three and a half houes spent in that store. Woot woot! We went back to the beach again and John, Nick, and Jordan dragged me to the water after I was only having fun becoming a little kid again and getting shells for my madre. So frickin nasty getting dragged across sand and having it all in the hair, down my swim shorts and in my shirt that I use when swimming. Sunday - We went with Cody and his brother and Cameron, and Danny also came along [he came with us everywhere] and I just laid out on a towel and listened to the always wonderful AFI, before we left afiter it had been thundering so on the way back it started pouring heavily and lightning on the water on the side of us, since we were on the bridge and all. It was something beautiful... Monday we went to some Blackwater River place to go tubing with Danny and his parents. All was well until the same storm as the day before appeared and us, being in water had to climb up this steep sand hill to go under this gazebo for "shelter." Again, the storm was so wicked beautiful - I loved the sound of the thunder, and the rain hitting the roof and water; I revelled in the sight of the lightning in the sky. To think people could be afraid of them or run to be out of the rain when it does occur. Why? So there is the shortened details and spoked words of my six days in Pensacola, Florida. June 18 to June 22. Did I enjoy it? I enjoyed the sight of red rinsing with the clearer water and running down the drain after my razor's "kiss" each night. I enjoyed all the stares I got when I was at the pool or at the beach only because I chose to wear guys' swim shorts and a tank top instead of what is "normal." I also enjoyed all the usual stares when I walked through the mall or pretty much anytime I left the hotel room. Again, another stupid exampe of the people's stupid reactions to someone that does not conform to their wishes... This is a permanent solution to a temporary problem... -_- By the time you come home I'm already stoned. You turn off the t.v. and you scream at me. I can hardly wait 'til you get off my case. This house is not a home. I'm better off alone...
Read 19 comments
I truly don't care anymore. I have about 4 or 5 people that I can consider my friends but I'm not sure they consider me their friends but I truly don't care anymore. I hope that your trip wasn't too bad and glad you're back.
You made me tear up when I read that and then when you signed your goodbye on my one comment the one friend that can never run away. I cried over those two things you spoke to me, Jess. For once in many years these tears were that not brought on by hurt but by the emotions that you really do care if I was to be found hanging dead in my room tomorrow. Mucho amor!
Love always and forever,
In referrance to your previous entry - Can I please go say the worst things imaginable to Dana? Since you did the same to Gary and I was not even there to repeatedly say no to you? Jess, you know you deserve much better than her and yet you always put up with her bull shit ideals and her ways to show her friendship by criticizing you. "You, if anyone, have been what I could have ever asked for in friendship - and I have never met you." ...
Attila thought you would "pretend" to not be able to move and just keep going, while you prayed to a nonexistent God that lightning did strike you in your tube. Your time spent sounds ruined by your younger brothers and friend[s]. Again, it is your horrid tales that make myself somewhat happy that my own siblings have grown up and do not ruin one's time on "vacation." I really do still love you, dearest.
I love the pictures of your hair, but the kitten that I am going to get tomorrow for the arrival of my 18th birthday is going to be much better than your own and is also going to be called Meow or The Jade. I think that beats Friskie much better. Again, I am better than you in that sense as well. ^^ Are you still loving me, Messie Jessie? I am surprised you even tried to go aside and go to that "shelter" in that tubing experience you spoke of..
Well now there will have to be no more past tense confusing you in leaving your comments, or for the time being at least my dearest beloved Jess. ^^ I used 55 SPF thank you, 10 higher than you suggested so there is not much of a change to my complexion and maybe I should have brought my own salad dressing with myself like you advised me to. I apologize many times again for ever doubting you my East Coast lover!
your name is Armand?! that was my Grandfathers... Its Italian..

I'm 50% :p

I'm Amanda and I guess thats the feminen way to say Armand? well thats what I was told... yeah well..


Whenever I go to the mall with my parents, I sit in Waldenbooks for the whole time and read silly things, because the mall has really stoppped appealing to me.

! I have 12 bikinis and I never go swimming because I don't like wearing them.
(^) That is a fact.

Yay! I'm glad you're back.
I just ate alot of chocolate pudding.

Bye now!
Regarding your comment; ! Except for the Smashing Pumpkins bit (only they're really old stuff is rad), I totally agree =)
Yay, I get a party! I'm sure my mother will miss me so much while I am gone that she will do anything she can to make me happy when I get home, i.e. having the new Cure album ready and waiting for me. Better yet, the deluxe edition with the DVD. Yeah. ^.^
aww man yess i am excited haha =) i hope you had funn!! hehe i was getting kinnda lonely being confused by myself hehe

And why should we sink to conformity?!
YAAY you're BAAACK!!! I kept coming to your blog and sat and pined and made little sniffles.


didja read my red hot chili peppers concert review? Didja?! It was SUPER MONDO PRO-LEET!

That's enough cocolate for now I think...
You did make me feel all special! Maybe my mother will buy the album for me while I'm gone. I am at least going to bug her until she promises to do it.
lol, good luck, i hope u get that guitar :)
yay my life is complete haha =) o i did have fun haha i did it yesterday i was soo messy!!!

I did not mean to post that more than once...I'm sorry v.v I got so happy when I saw that you were on, I was like "Yay, Jess is back!" True story.
YAY! You're back!! -does little welcome back dance party to AFI- I have read the book Cut, and I love it. I also do not wear a 'normal' bathing suit, I wear a black swimsuit tank top and shorts, because I don't like people seeing that much of my body. I feel like I'm in my underwear when I wear a bikini. Anyways, I'm glad you survived your trip, even if it wasn't very fun for you, at least you're back now. I have missed your comments.
YAY! You're back!! -does little welcome back dance party to AFI- I have read the book Cut, and I love it. I also do not wear a 'normal' bathing suit, I wear a black swimsuit tank top and shorts, because I don't like people seeing that much of my body. I feel like I'm in my underwear when I wear a bikini. Anyways, I'm glad you survived your trip, even if it wasn't very fun for you, at least you're back now. I have missed your comments.
YAY! You're back!! -does little welcome back dance party to AFI- I have read the book Cut, and I love it. I also do not wear a 'normal' bathing suit, I wear a black swimsuit tank top and shorts, because I don't like people seeing that much of my body. I feel like I'm in my underwear when I wear a bikini. Anyways, I'm glad you survived your trip, even if it wasn't very fun for you, at least you're back now. I have missed your comments.