Nothing but a freak and shallow bitch

Listening to: Thrice
Feeling: evil
So in three entries I have been called a freak and a shallow bitch. -sniffle- I would act offended by any of it but honestly, I'm just happy to get titles from people, so does ANYONE else want to call me a name? Give me a compliment while you're at me fat, ugly. I honestly don't care anymore, I have learned to put all that shit behind me and just TRY and live..and TRY to be happy, well no, SATISFIED with the results I get out of it. I'm sick and tired of listening to people's crap, for example someone in their subprofile the other day complained about their dad's girlfriend being a bitch and you know what they called it? STRUGGLING TO SURVIVE! How the hell do you struggle to survive just because ONE person who lives in your house is a fuckin' BITCH? I'm a bitch..or so people say..but hell my brother's don't call living with me, 'surviving.' -rolls eyes- People are such idiots I wonder what happened to their intellegence sometimes. Not everyone, of course, but apparently a lot of people at my school may be SMART in knowledge and books but when it comes down to it they know NOTHING out of school, no common sense, N-0-T-H-I-N-G! -Deep sigh- So again, enough of my rants and raves about this wonderful society, this wonderful century, this oh so great millenium, I think knowledge died out when 2000 came. Today was pretty uneventful..I got woke up at 9 because I had a hair appointment at this new salon place at 9:30 and then we didn't leave there until 11 or something because I got ALL, I mean ALL of my hair cut off..Well I still have some but it was a good 6 inches or so off and then I got it dyed, it's supposed to be this purple color but it looks black which is ok with me either way so now I can just mess it up all I want and it will still look awesome. So then my mom had to go to Kroger to get some bread crumbs and I bought some pomade/wax stuff and then when we were going to check out I saw THE best People magazine ever because Johnny Depp was on the cover and he was named the Sexiest Man ALIVE! Which, yesh, of course he is..-faints- But anyway, then I bought 2 Peanut M&M's and 2 Milk Chocolate M&M's because they are probably the best candy EVER, well chocolate..but it's only peanut and milk chocolate kind..others are nasty. But yesh, the magazine had FOUR pages of Johnny Depp stuff and I read it over twice..I watched that hour thing on him on Sunday..Did anyone else watch it too? Wasn't it AMAZING? -fans self- Heh. I'm a fuckin' despie..But that's what the sexiness of Johnny will do to you. Just kidding but he is the only man for my life so I don't care. I'm going to go now, enjoy your day and Happy Early Turkey Day!
Read 5 comments
Your hair sounds so cool. :oD I'd love to have mine like that, but I've been told not to dye it by friends and family and anyone who hears that I want meh.

I lurrrrrrve Johnny Depp, too. You've got good taste (even if you are a bitch, hehe). You don't sound like that much of a bitch to me, by the way.

Not that my opinion counts.

Heheh. I was just panicking because I couldn't remember what your s/n was.

:o) Thank you for the compliment.

If it was just my 'rents who didn't want me to dye my hair I probalby wouldn't, but apparently it would just look "wrong". I'm a wimp, too. I wouldn't be able to deal with it if my best friend thought I looked stupid. No one else's opnion matters really, though. I'm contradicting myself. So here I end this.

Well i like blue it's my fave color and i like cheerful.*sticks out tongue* lol j/k.

Pirates of the Carribean was an awesome movie! Johnny Depp was dead sexy as a pirate....but he is pretty much dead sexy as most parts he plays. i like your whole theme thing you got goin here. and you def don't seem like a shallow bitch or a freak to me. you seem really cool in my opinion...but not too many people care about my opinion. humanity sux and people are stupid....weel most. ttyl!
to put a pic in the top left corner like my nine inch nails one, you hafta upload the pic you want, and rename it top_left.jpg or gif, whichever you find. lol, and don't worry, im like the biggest dork any of my friends know....they've told me this. im guessin you like NIN too. we should talk that sounded so cheezy but hey, imma cheezy girl. so anyways, if you have aim, my s/n is shallowmisfit06 gimme a im or somin.