Leave of Absence

Listening to: Watching Oprah
Feeling: distracted
Ah, hello to you all once again. I am very and truly sad to announce that: I will be taking a 'leave of absence.' As they call it today.. Yes, my dears, you read it right. Not once did I think I would do it and everything but this damn Windows XP is getting on my last nerves left from being at school and dealing with people and such so I will return when I get a new network plug for my computer whenever that is and if that proceeds to take a long time then I will return to those of you who care to read this daily. -sighs- There are more reasons but I am not like every other few people and will describe exactly what they are and what I feel about them nor the impacts they will have. Nor will I admit openly that I am depressed as they call it when really do the people that label themselves that really have anything to be depressed about? Or know what it really means? But I am not some happy go-lucky, perky person either..So very sadly I have once again strayed off topic something that happens quite often does it not? And now without further a do I bring to you, the last POTC Quote for a long while..-ponders and tries to get quote off top of head- ...::...POTC Quote of the Day...::... 'You look somewhat familiar, have I threatened you before?' 'I tend to avoid familiarity with pirates..' 'Oh, it be a shame to put a black mark on your record then..' -turns to walk away and then the sword, hah! SWORD, hits the door- G'bye to ye all..
Read 5 comments
Awww. Sad to see you go, you lovely pirate woman you.
NO!!! M'lady! You can not simply think that you just leave me like this do you???? PLEASE OH PLEASE stay. *drops to knees and grabs leg* Well you'll be missed..
*runs off and cries*

Kayan-The *German* Grooming Guru

And yes, I will forget you on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Listen to Thursday, And continue to miss you on Friday and Saturday and remember to Take Back Sunday.
i shall miss you greatly. savvy for johnny, always.
Awww...HONEY! *hugs tightly* U were there for me & sadly i wont be 4 u..plz come bak soon or jus kno that u will be missed GREATLY!

i luv u


i am totally in love with johnny depp!! how do u get a picture on the side of the page though? and in the background?