We fail tests like we do life

Listening to: Watching SVU
Feeling: eek!
Like a vampire bat, hanging like this, hanging on your back, I'm helpless again. --- School days left until May 28: 29 days.. Today is the day of Monday, exciting yes? It is at least 80 today, but it felt like 90 when I was walking home. Maybe it would help to not be wearing all black, but fuck do you want me to wear bright colors? Because three frickin people made some comment about my ensemble today and Arlene even asked if I was going to a funeral. What does it matter what color I choose and do not choose to wear day in and day out? I apologize for not liking colors now either! I apologize for not being 'normal' for your liking! I apologize for having friends that criticize me openly no matter what I do! We had to take the Biology EOCT[End Of Course Test] for those of you in Georgia High Schools you would know what it was, or the CRCT in middle and elementary schools. Before they said that you have to pass this stupid frickin standarnized state test to gain credit for that class NOW they are going to put your final scores on your transcript for when you go to college. -sigh-I was never a one for tests and then standarnized tests are much worse because it is going over everything from both semesters. Let alone the fact that it says END OF COURSE when we still have six more weeks of school left. So why in the bloody hell are we taking the test NOW? And because of these tests we have to go on block scheduling for two weeks, that is 2 and 1/2 hours in one class and then an hour and a half in the next and 6th and 7th periods each day stay the same. I apologize for complaing. I apologize for bitching. I apologize for making this a big deal when really it is not, according to Dana. One good thing of today besides me not having any idea what half the shit the test was about and getting wrote up for talking when I was not the ONLY one who was doing it. We had to go to lunch with Geometry today and seeing as how I do have few friends whom did not have the same C lunch with myself I went and ate by myelf which I found nothing wrong with. And halfway through the 30 minute time period these two girls from my math class come over and ask if I want to go and sit with them. ^.^ Why the fuck could more people not be like them in this place? You know how much easier people could be getting along.. I mean, I did not really talk that much as they spoke of driving and work, both of which I have no experience in thanks to my lack of age compared to other sophomores. But really, I think that is the first time anyone ever offered for me to sit with them since I moved here in March of 3rd grade. ^.^ Another fun factoid: I have gone swimming in our pool for three days straight. It is awesome to just jump in even though it is frickin freezing, but after the numb feeling takes over it is quite enjoyable due to the immense swing of heat that has came over this weather. I slept with three fans on last night and still it did no good, at all. Yes, the lack of sleep keeps adding with each night. And with it comes the lack of appetite. Maybe if I just stop sleeping and the nausea feeling to my stomach continues as well as the headaches I may lose weight finally just by picking at food. May you think, because without it we are nothing... -_- My body is cut and broken, it's shattered and sore, my body is cut wide open...
Read 11 comments
Blarg. Eoct. Have them next week. yuck yuck yuck.
Black is a cool color, if only my whole wordrobe was black. Don't care what they say about you, though I know you don't. If I had the choice I would wear all black everyday in 90 degree wheather. Though that would get terribly hot. "The state says..." that's such a bunch of bullshit, the state can kiss our asses. They don't know shit about us and they expect us to pass a stupid test to pass the grading period, that's retarded. Outta chara
Swimming is great fun, especially in hot wheather. *looks sheepish* you need to eat something, sweetie. Me dont want to loose my friend cause she isn't eating. *offers you a piece of cake* plz take it, me don't want you to feel all bad and stuff.


Adios amiga

I had no idea what I was saying when I wrote that. If you think about it too long your head will explode. Seriously.
Thanks! I'm sure I'll do okay..well..I think I'll do okay. Most likely not, but yeah and why does Georgia think we need more tests? Four weeks before the semester is over? Um, we're not done yet, why do we have to test over things we haven't gotten to yet? Ergh.
Just in case I didn't tell ya, the prologue is up, it's before the other chapters where remodling used to be. Just thought you'd like to know. I'm working on chapter 5 now and I'm trying to hurry.

I can't wear black all the time cause I only have one outfit that is black but if I had more, I would wear them all the time. I need more black cloths and it's my fave color.

You aren't rushing me, so don't feel that you are. I have 4 other people reading it, or more, that want me to hurry, and I myself am wanting to know what happens next, as I make my stories up as I go. So even I don't know the end result. And I thank you for going to eat a brownie before you go to bed. It makes me feel better knowing that. I luff you too, my friend.
Mmm...grilled cheese. Don't feel bad it's about the only thing I can cook too!
Neither of the skate instructors were hott...in fact they were both very ugly old men:(
That sucks what people were saying about your black clothes. I hate when people have a problem with what I wear or how I look on a particular day. I wish they could just keep their comments to themselves...I don't care what they think.
Those tests sound like no fun. Good luck.
aww, you are too sweet! sorry it took me so long to respond to your comment. super busy lately, which i hate. anyway, so im doing a poetry unit in english and we had to pick a favorite and write why we liked it. so i picked one. and it just happened that my reason was because it made people think about the smaller things that most people don't notice. it rocked me. so i copied it down and am going to update it now. its on here because of you.
Yeah, everything seems so perfect now with Logan being home and everything else. Other than track that is but I'm thinking about quitting {explain later} Hope all is well but I must be venturing back to Chemistry .. Have a wonderful day ... I won't because I have another track meet, but talk later ...

x erin x
Well, I love you too my sweet sweet love! : - ) Can I keep you for your darkness? Your ability to make complaining beautiful. You have no need to apologize for anything, 'Armand.' Be who you choose to and ignore those you call friends in your life. I used to have to partake in those tests, until we moved. So I share your experience and I pity you, love. Share your complaints with the world. The best to you, love.
