Nothing to do...nothing to see...nothing to hear...

Feeling: annoyed
[Born on] October 22 [Do you like Harry potter?] Curse thyself for ever reading the curs'ed books. [Resides] Hick ass town in Georgia [Good student?]Heh. You're kidding [Eyes] greed [Hair] A reddish color, -shrug- Soon to be black or blue on Thanksgiving break if mother allows. [Shoe size] 11 Last time you... [Had a nightmare] Thursday night [Dyed your hair] A long time ago.. [Washed your hair] today [Checked your e-mail] Last week.. [Cried] Today [called] I don't even remember.. [Smiled] Smiled and meant it? Too long ago for me to even remember [Laughed] today..I fell down the steps.. Do You… [Smoke?] once [Do drugs?] I wish [Drink?] yes [Have sex?] no [Sleep with stuffed animals]yes, sadly, I can't sleep without one, if I ever find sleep that is. [Have a boyfriend/girlfriend] no they would be a waste of time [Have a dream that keeps coming back] yes, I don't care to tell what it is. [Play an instrument] no, I would heart to play the bass though.. [Remember your first love] love is an overextended emotion and I personally believe it is fake and no one shall seek to find it. [Still love him/her] Again, as stated aboe. [Read the newspaper] only if a headline pertains to my interest [Have any gay or lesbian friends] 2 of them are bi and then my wonderful gay friend Mast.. [Consider love a mistake] It is a LOT more than a mistake.. [Like the taste of alcohol] of course [Have any secrets] Yes, and only ones that shall be revealed will be none [Have any pets] 1 cat and 2 dogs [Wear hats] no [piercings]ears but plan to get tongue, nose, lip(3 times) and eyebrows but parentals have to give that decision. [Ink] Again, I plan to, just need the convincing skills. [Hate yourself] Of course, and hate everything and everyone else around me [Have an obsession] Davey Havok(AFI), Johnny Depp, Javy Lopez and DUCKIES! [Have a secret crush] -see above- [Have a best friend] my stuffed animals.. [Like your handwriting] Does it matter? [Have any bad habits] cursing..not speaking up when needed..not saying what I have to..having a HIGH impatience level.. [Care about looks] On me? NO! On others? Only on the three men listed above.. [Boy/girlfriend's looks] boyfriend and girlfriends are idiots and fuck the person who cares to have them [Believe in witches] Of course.. current: Dress: Duckie PJ bottoms and black AFI shirt and my cool moo-moo cow socks Mood: depressed..angered.. Make-up: eyeliner and black eyeshadow and mascara Music: The Great Disappointment- AFI Taste: Orange Creamsicle Yogourt Annoyance: the younger siblings, the cat and headache that is starting to form once more Smell: sweet pea Thing I Ought to be doing: online talking on IM Book: Queen of the Damned -sigh- If it gets past the boring parts Fingernail Color: black Refreshment: Mountain Dew: Code Red Worry: how to survive until Christmas.. Last Person: You Talked to: dad..oh joy You Hugged: Mr. Duckie.. You Instant messaged: Hrmm..on Wednesday night..Sarah, Ange and Kat You Yelled At: Nick You Had A Crush On: Davey, Johnny, Javy Who Broke Your Heart: no one..because I never gave my heart to anyone to break.. You Kissed: my cat..HAHAHA Favorite: Food: chicken fingers and french fries Color: black and red CD: AFI and Yellowcard.. Shoes: converse TV Show: CSI Celebrity: Davey Havok..Johnny Depp...Javy Lopez.. Fruit: canteloupe Cartoon: Family Guy Who do u want to… [ Kill ] myself [ Slap ] Dana [ Tickle ] Hehehehe..No answer [ Talk To] Arlene.. [ Kiss ] Oh..those men..listed way in hell that will ever happen.. ...So that was my way to pass time since I was bored and watching Finding Nemo at same time and I got it off of someone else's diary so I'm sure no one minds reading or bothered with the whole thing. -bows- Have a good night y'all. -shudder- I hate that word.
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mmmmm... Jonny Depp! Gotta Love Pirates of the Carribean.

Keep Smiling
I love you, don't you ever forget that ok? You have been there for me, I will be there for you and please don't choose to do things that will leave you dead on the floor the next day ok? Just make that one promise to me and I shall never leave your life, shall never, not once abandon you nor be gone when you need me most. Remember these words..repeat them to yourself..never fade away as so many have done in front of your eyes..