
Feeling: delicious
Interesting night last night. fun night last night. I went to the "Slave to the Metal" tour last night, it was a night to promote local and unrecognized metal bands from all over NC. A part of me did think it sounded like fun, and Anna really really really wanted to go because Steven from her work was supposed to be there. He wasn't though. Of Course. Soooo I went with her in hopes to see this Steven fellow. I guess I've always been that kind of person who goes with the flow. I've always just ended up in the most random situations, and ask myself 10 seconds later "Wait a minute, what the hell am I doing? how is this happening?" well, we went to Slave to the Metal. Me, Anna, and Emma. As we walked in, we realized that being female, we were in the extreme minority. Metal is apparently more of a guy thing. So bands played; I can't for the life of me remember the name of the first one, but it was pretty bad. The second band played, it was Laura's boyfriend's older brother's band, called Killing Avarice. They were actually pretty damn good. Then Redemption was Never Promised played. they were shitty. Throughout this whole thing, of course, we people watched. We do that a lot. Emma was kind of obsessed with one fellow we cleverly nicknamed "Camera Boy", because he had an extremely nice, large, expensive looking camera and was taking photos. This one had long black straight hair and snakebits and a septum. There was another one, who had a lime green shirt with skulls all over it. Some grindcore band I'm sure. He was hardcore dancing a ridiculous amount. Like Flips&shit. and many other interesting ones as well. Well, RWNP was pretty awful. So after that, we left, becuase, well, we didn't like these bands. It was about 10:15 when we walked out the Brewery. I sat on my car, Emma&Anna sat on Anna's, we were sitting, talking, trying to decide what we wanted to do. Next thing I know, I see a boy wave at me. It's the one who was hardcore dancing a lot, with Camera Boy at his side. I look behind me, to make sure it is in fact me he's waving it. There's no one behind me, but I'm wondering why on Earth he's waving at me. Then he finally yells "hey!" and then I know it was, in fact, me. I waved back. He introduces himself and camera boy, their names are Lopez and Trey respectively. We talk for a moment, he asks us what we are doing right now. I told him "trying to figure out what to do the rest of the night, actually" He proceeds to invite us to his friend Tyler's apartment for a party. Sketchy? I know. but I'm very much a spur-of-the-moment type person. I said sure. So we follow him to this apartment complex. We have to park in visitor's spots, becuase apparently they do tow. We find one for Anna, then the whole group piles in my car to find a spot. We finally find one, we're far as hell away from Anna's car, and apparently Tyler's apartment. Well after a long walk to Tyler's apartment, we arrive at the "party." We walk in. The group consists of the 5 original people and three other guys. Wait. Party? But they didn't even question it. It was the five guys sitting around watching TV & going on MySpace. well, this was weird. I did manage to learn their names though. The first thought that went in my head was "Shit, this isn't a party. Shit, date rape." Except not. I did think it was weird though. There's liquor all over the apartment. One guy even takes out a giant jar of weed. sketchsketchsketch. well Tyler declares he wants to play Beer Pong. He asks me to be Trey's partner. I told him I had to drive that night. Emma declares loudly that she doesn't [wtf? she's sleeping over at my house that night, and doesn't even ask me if it's okay for her to drink. My fucking parents are home. I declare again, WTF?], and ends up as trey's partner, playing against Tyler and TJ. At one point, this one guy who I can't remember his name, offers me cocaine. I tell him "I've never done cocaine." He asks me "do you want to? come on outside." I say "Dude, I have to drive home in like an hour." He continues "come on, it only lasts like 15 minutes! you're just left wanting more though..." I tell him no thanks. This whole night was inconceivably strange. more people come in. It finally starts feeling like an ACTUAL party. They all seem to know eachother. I start feeling awkward. Most of them leave. Trey& TJ leave becuase they are meeting one of their over 21 friends to buy them beer. Other of the kids who came leave becuase they are meeting their pot dealer. I felt so out of place it's ridiculous. I'm 17. I'm a virgin. I've never done any form of drugs in my life. :) I did tell them my age though. All they told me was how great it was to be out of high school. I'm not sure how old they were, actually. But I know they were under 21 [wristbands]. Older than us, though. All in all, strange night. Around midnight, we had to leave. So we did. Lopez helped us find our cars. we exchanged numbers, hugs, and left. Strange, strange, strange night. I'm not sure why I even went. I've never done something like that before. I made it home before curfew. Thank god. Nights at the Brewery. Now I know why my mom hates it so much.
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i've never done any form of drugs in my life either! :D
yay sobriety!