
Listening to: over and over
on sunday we were asked a question. As christians, do we have an enemey? somebody answered yes and then they talked about the devil a little bit. do we have an enemy? i thought we were called to love all. so that means no enimies. leave a comment. u tell me. do we have an enemy?
Read 19 comments
Kelly for some reason I am not on sam's diary could you tell her that because I can not leave a comment on her diary.
ps. I am a little upset.
amers; or so kelly says
the previous 4 entries go together, read from the 4th one from the top and then the 3rd one from the top and so on
think of people as enemies b/c they kill our people, what they really want is freedom and a better life;you could say we don't or do have enemies
do not think of others as enemies...we think of them rather as people we should love b/c they have not found christ.Since we are not perfect we often
want to be their enimies or not, if wwe love them, the might love us back or continue to hate us b/c of what they personally believe.we as christians
we have enemies b/c they don't have the same beliefs we do.they may think it is okay to hate someone or kill another we are their enimies whether we
i think we make our enemies. you can have them, but if you do, it's wrong. that's what i think. i have quite a few enemies at my school. so i guess i'm bad.
git on e-mail K
Hay I thought I did have her on my friend list
I'm not sure. I think maybe we're supposed to love those who do evil, and show our love by bringing them to justice so that we can help them. I dunno.
You should be glad that you're confused right now, at least you have a religion in which you know what you believe certain things, even if you dont know all of it. There are many kids out there that are confused, but not within there religion because they don't have one. Myself being one of them.
you only have a enemy if you want one.

ps. yes that WAS happening now but its between Erika,rasha you know that group and I think it was a joke.
i'm not saying fuck you for believing. i'm envious of you for being able to believe in something like that. and i'm not athiest, i'm agnostic. which means that i dont believe in anything i cant see with my own eyes or touch with my own hands.
mesa don't think we have and enemy.
fuck god
i dont think we have one.....i really like your picture though
for me it's hard to believe in it. "God" is supposed to help you in times of need,right? well...whenever I've needed "him"...he's never been there. It's hard to keep faith in something that has never helped you.
I have no enemy but my self