My uncle's story

Feeling: gloomy
Well, a few days ago my uncle went to the hospital. If you don't know the story of my uncle it goes like this: when he was in second grade he was hit by a car and it screwed him up big time. He's still alive now and he's over 50. But he can't walk without a walker, and he lives in a home for people with similar conditions. He isn't retarted or anything-he was brain damaged though. He talks slow and such, but he isn't stupid or anything. He is always angry, all the time, and that's what I think is really sad. He doesn't like talking to people. He always is just so angry. He'll do crossword puzzles and such to pass the time. Anywho, now we can tell the current part of the story now that you know his background. He fell on his way out of the bathroom when he was visiting his mom. As he was falling, he grabbed the towel holder to try to give him balance. The towel holder was ripped off the wall. Uncle David fell on an artery. The artery was burst open so there was blood everywhere. My Grandma called an ambulence. They took them to the hospital. He's okay. However...he is going to be put into a wheelchair. That means he won't be able to go to his mom's house every weekend like he does now. That probably means I won't see him. He's going to have to be visited in his home, he can't visit people, he will have to be visisted. It may not seem that bad...but it have to understand my family... I don't know how my Grandma is going to take this...
Read 4 comments
wow, thats really sad! but i love your diary....your backround is awsome! where did you get it?
lots of love
cool..and yeah, catwomen is really good....i really love your ttul!
cool background sj
just remeber woot okay
That's really sad. I feel bad for him, and his mom.

Brave warrior turkey. I think that's funny. Rachle's brother's name means beloved chamber pot.

That youth group thing you were talking about sounds fun...I miss being young...

I love that TSB line too. (note my icon) you can take it you want.