GC song survey

Feeling: accomplished

Bands // Song Titles

Created by BourdiezFreak and taken 16479 times on bzoink!

Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Good Charlotte
Are you female or male:Riot girl
Describe yourself:Predictable
How do some people feel about you:Emotionless
How do you feel about yourself:Young and Hopeless
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Wounded
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:Complicated
Describe where you want to be:I just wanna live
Describe what you want to be:Lifestyles of the rich and the famous
Describe how you live:Wondering
Describe how you love:Little Things
Share a few words of wisdom:Keep movin’ on

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Wow that was hard QOTD: "I reccomend know it before speak it."
Read 12 comments
you r anything but emotionless
thats a compliment or however you spell it
sorry shady:)
i get it
i don't know what i said that was so nice. i'm really not all that nice unless i'm trying to be.
me likey
wow that does look hard. You have to go throught ALL their lyrics!! That's cool though.

Oh I love the new backgrond and the flying pig!
Whoa I really like the new change on your sD, looks so awesome!
luv the new background
hey kelly
how do u make ur mouse cool????
Good charlote is the worst band ever. They suck monkey balls. I hate them, they suck so much. if i was in that band id kill my self. your a loser
like your background
hey gurl!! whats up??