
Feeling: cold
Dear SitDiary world, I have a question for all of you. It was brought up about a week ago, when a friend of mine met a boy, and proceeded to talk about how she was going to use him to make some other boy jealous. does "making a boy jealous" actually work? I know for me personally it doesn't. When I am interested in someone and I see them with some girl, I move on. I lose interest. But my friend absolutely swore it worked on guys. answers?
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i suppose it just depends on the boy, and on the situation.
Yeah I don't really think it works so much. Plus its just an all around shitty thing to do to a person.
Take it from a guy that's had that done. It fricking hurts, causes nothing but heartache all round and if you pick on the wrong guy to be making jealous like someone did when they messed with me, it'll all come back and bite you on the ass sooner rather than later...