Hobbit feet

Feeling: shocked
Dear Flynn: Last night I heard Powerspace was in town. I heard you were going to be playing a show at the Berkley. I told you in that voicemail (that you never responded to, because you're a fucking child) that I would be at this Powerspace show. I hadn't been out since I found out you cheated on me. I went to this show with Anna and Steve And I was prepared for a lot of things. What I was not prepared for was to see you. You told me that you were at the Berkley. And then I see your ass sitting on the pool table. I can't even believe you would show your face. And then afterwards, when I was sitting out with Steve and Anna, you walked right past me. It was fucking quiet outside, and you walked right past me. You didn't even turn to glance. You couldn't even look at me. Well fuck you, man. You not only betrayed MY trust, but you betrayed Jason's. He's your "best friend." And he and I are friends. I'm somewhat mad at him for not warning me against you. You're a motherfucking asshole. I wanted so bad to yell at you last night as you walked past me. The words formed in my head. It wasn't even one of those situations where I don't think of what to say until afterwards, I had the words in my head at the time. "Oh hey Flynn, remember me? The girl you cheated on but never even bothered to dump?" I thought about saying that. I also thought about a simple "fuck you." But I didn't say anything. And you walked right by. YOU OWE ME A MOTHERFUCKING EXPLANATION. OWN UP TO WHAT YOU DID. STOP HIDING FROM IT. A few notes to myself: 1. Never date a boy shorter than me. If he's shorter than 5'7" like Flynn Norris, then he's probably got a Napoleon complex and is gonna try to constantly prove himself. And probably cheat. 'Cause that's what assholes do. 2. Never date a boy who straightens his hair, paints his nails black, wears girls pants, or anything else feminine, the way Flynn did. If he takes that much time in his appearance, he's obviously obsessed with himself. And girls pants? yes, girls pants. Not even guys tight jeans, he told me his were GIRLS pants. And girls pants have no crotchspace. Obviously, if you have girls pants, you have a tiny penis. So yeah. I'm glad I didn't ever let you go farther than feeling me up. 3. NEVER, EVER, EVER again date a kid you met at the Brewery. On that note, never date someone you're not decent friends with first. I knew Flynn wasn't Prince Charming, and I was okay with that, I was gonna be okay with it ending, but I was NOT ready to be cheated on. I should have gotten to know him better before I let him anywhere near my mouth. 4. Never date someone who smokes pot the way Mr Norris did. Enough said. 5. Never date someone who doesn't have enough respect for you (or women in general) to wait until after your first date to try to stick his hands in your bra, the way Flynn did. 6. Never date a scene kid. 7. Never date someone for one redeemable quality. Flynn's redeemable quality was that he too wanted to be a journalist. But he was also a pothead. Fuck that shit. 8. Never date someone who makes fun of you for liking The Used, yet likes Blink 182. Flynn Norris has terrible taste in music, eh? 9. Never date someone who's okay with you hurting yourself. I'm not going to post the details of this one up here, but if he's not good enough to tell you when you're being a dumbass, don't date him. Linda invited me to a party tonight. Hell yes I'm going. Fuck you, Flynn Norris. I'm hurt. I'm broken. I've never felt more worthless in my entire life. I've never been treated like a piece of trash before. Every day you refuse to call me and talk to me, I lose more and more respect for you.
Read 2 comments
Sounds like the guy wasnt worth shit to begin with. Hope you have fun at the party.
ok so it's a truce? haha. sorry for being all RAAAR i'm a bitch.

And I think you did the right thing by not saying a word to him, because if you had, it would have given him the power and satisfaction of knowing he hurt you.
