
Feeling: organized
I made a lime cheesecake. It is delicious :) And I'm fucking happy about it :) I talked to Alex on the phone tonight. He's been going through some shit lately. His mom's an alcoholic, she's seeing someone he doesn't want her to see. He moved out in February at seventeen. He's the nicest, most optimistic person in the world. I told him a few of the things in my life right now that are causing me some strife. He said to me, "Kelly, you know, the people who achieve the most in life have gone through tradgedies. We may not feel so good right now--but we're going to be great, both of us." It's amazing how much a simple conversation with someone you're not even that close to can raise your spirits. He wants to go into enviornmental science research. I want to go into journalism. I said "Maybe, if I wasn't going into a dying industry. Maybe I'll be an internet journalist." He said to me, "I guess you could be...but I can see you as the Editor in Cheif of like, The New York Times." I said, "Honestly, that's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." And he said, "No, really. I could see you doing that." I said, "Alex, I'm excited about this already. You're going to make some huge discovery for the enviornment, and I'm going to interview you about it, and write about your discovery on the front page of my newspaper. We're going to be great." It's nice to know, when everything else can feel like it's crashing, that some people still have faith in you. Thanks for that. I can never let you know how much it means.
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