
Feeling: glowing
mmmkay sitdiary. Question for anyone who sees this: Do you believe what everyone says about being in love--that you "just know"? Or is it more complex than that? More than just you wake up one day and realize at one moment: "Now I'm in love". Is there even a difference between telling your boyfriend/girlfriend you love them and being "in love"?
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^dg up there said it well. i'd like to clarify: i think 'just knowing' really is more that point in which you've made your decision, whether consciously or otherwise.
'Just knowing' can be misleading. Consider why you like the person, and under what circumstances you would/wouldn't support them. Then you decide.

Loving someone takes a lot of confidence because love is not something that can be proven, so in THAT sense you never know, because you can never know. You have to decide.
sometimes you 'just know'; other times it hits you at strange moments; and still others, it's a gradual awakening.
you can tell anyone you love them without necessarily feeling it, though if i'm reading this right, if you say 'i love you' and 'i'm in love with you', there can be differences - or not. if you feel they mean the same thing, then they do; it's the type of love that determines it. you can love your fam but not be in love with them (i hope).

sometimes for me, it's the (seemingly) most trivial things that reinforce my being in love with my fiancé.

i guess it's just circumstantial for some people.

dang, i talk too much.