MSI recap

Feeling: relaxed
Sooo. I saw MSI last nightt :) And it was AMAZING! Although I'm not gonna lie It was probably both the best and the worst show I've ever been to. Best: they're fucking performers. I don't think anyone is better live. Their songs are just made to be played for people: Animal? Jimmy wore a fucking tiger's head. Faggot? He brought up some kid in a bear suit on stage and had him sing "I've been denied all the best ultrasex", while at the end he screamed "only you, can prevent forest fires" Pay For It? He held the audience hostage, saying he'd never let us go until he got TWENTY DOLLARS [which he promptly received]. 1989? How about a shitty moonwalk? um yes? And finally, an outstanding rendition of "There's no Business like Show Business" My favorite was at the end, The entire crowd shouting "ANAL SEX! ANAL SEX! ANAL SEX!" Man. MSI shows make NO sense, but I fucking love every second of them. As for what made it the worst.... Just fucking crazy. Which is a good thing, I know. But it was just so crazy that it took away some of the enjoyment. My freaking bra somehow got ripped off at some point. I was wearing a tank top... You know how at these things you have no personal space, people are on top of you, you're on top of people, your feet don't always touch the ground, everybody's sweating on eachother, etc? Well, somehow, someone unhooked my bra. I have no idea how it happened. All of the sudden, it was "oooooh shit." Because I couldn't even hook it back up. I didn't have the space to. Luckily Anna was next to me. Although that was an embarrasing favor to ask for: "Oh hey. Could you help me put my bra on?" Soo yeah. I've never had a problem with that before. I've also never had a problem with my shirt being pulled down to my freaking belly button. It was a new shirt. That I am never again wearing to a show. And how about the kid that fucking HEADBUTTED ME in the side of my head? You know, on my industrial? you know, the one that hasn't HEALED YET? why yes, that one. The one that proceeded to bleed (which it hasn't done since February) for the rest of the night. But at the same time...amazing! I couldn't stop trembling after the show. Literally...I couldn't unpurse my lips. I hadn't eaten much that day, and it was so physically draining But we made new friends. Which was nice. Chris &Katherine. Haha. I took random caffeine breathspray from a stranger. That was fun :) When I got home, I had to crack up when I looked at myself in the mirror. I had black shit alllllll over my face, AKA why I shouldn't wear so much damn eyeliner. Hair looked like it went through a fucking tornado. and dried blood all over my ear. It was hilarious...It looked like I was involved in some nefarious activities. oooh and I met Jimmy Urine and LynZ!!! Jimmy told me I looked just like the girl from Dead Like Me. I said I hear that all the time. He said, "you wanna hear it again? you look like the girl from dead like me." I said "I don't watch that show." He then proceeded to grab my phone and autograph it on the SCREEN. So now, whenever I open my phone, I'm greeted by "urine." and I got a picture with him, so I'm happy. And I met LynZ, who is quite possibly just the cutest thing ever. yes she is. And she's crazy nice, too. And ps now I love The Birthday Massacre.
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