Mostly better

The wedding was beautiful. I was a little nervous about how it was going to work, because the bride's family doesn't speak english. The pastor handled it very well, performed half the ceremony in english and half in spanish. The entire service was written out on programs, one in each language, so both groups could follow along. Dustin cried when he said his vows, it was so sweet. The dance tonight was fun, I taught my father to cumbia, that was a trip! I've always teased my mom, asking her how she's put up with my dad for so many years..She always says she doesn't know, but tonight it was clear. They're so cute together, they danced to every country song together. I pray that I'll have that some day. They fight and bicker and take each other for granted sometimes, but they always love each other and try to treat each other well. Neither one has ever given up, they've made compromises but have still remained true to themselves. That was my biggest problem in my last relationship---there was no way to work things out without losing who I am, without giving up a part of myself. I know that compromise is part of every relationship, but you should never ask a person to change that drastically. I hope one day to find someone that appreciates me as I am, that finds my stubbornness endearing rather than trying to break me of it. I've been thinking about that alot lately, about what has worked in the past and what hasn't been good for me. I'm starting to get an idea of what I want, forming the image of my perfect guy in my head. I'm sometimes afraid that guy doesn't exist, that I'm impossible to please. It's fine for now to date this guy or that guy, but when it gets down to a serious relationship, I will not settle for less than what I feel I deserve. I'm not going to stay with a guy that's not right for me simply to make him happy. That's what I did with the last one--I knew he was not right for me, but I didnt' want to break his heart. I stayed with him for as long as I could...then I just couldn't handle it anymore, I was lying to myself. I won't do that again. Next time, as soon as I get that wrong feeling, I'm out...I don't want to hurt anyone like that again.
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