Lonesome again

My honey should be on the rig now...We said goodbye Wednesday night, and he headed to work early early this morning. Wednesday, Gerd picked me up from work, then we headed to Houston. We stopped at a place he likes, it was really good, then just kinda bummed around, rode all over. He showed me where he used to live, and where his new job is. Along the way, he pointed out some of his old hangouts and restaurants he likes. It was really sweet, a few times he said "That's a really nice place to take a date...I've never had anyone I wanted to take before, and now I do" Aww, he makes me melt! ;) I'm a little sad...tomorrow night my uncle's band is playing at Gerd's favorite place. I'm going with my family, I wish he could be with me. I love dancing with him, I love showing him off. I'm so proud he's mine...Jeez, that sounds strange. I know I sound like a weirdo...but that's okay. It's a nice feeling. He's this sweet, thoughtful, intelligent, hard-working, fun, funny, adventurous, good-looking guy...and he picked ME. It blows me away sometimes...He stayed single for so long, was really picky when it came to women, and he chose me. It's a great feeling, knowing that he could have had just about anyone he wanted, but didn't go along with it. He's not into meaningless for-the-moment things, he wasn't just looking for anyone, he was looking for that special someone, and at this particular moment, I'm that someone. I'm a lucky girl. Okay, on to other subjects.... Ms. Jackie came back to work today. She's the toddler teacher, so I'm back to my crummy aide job. It's not really crummy, I like what I do, but the pay sucks. I should be the afternoon supervisor right now, making more than an aide, but still less than what I was making teaching. But that got all screwed up because my boss in an irrational, irresponsible airhead. She lets everyone else tell her what to do. And when she does make her own decisions, they're purely emotional rather than logical or business-minded. As a person, she's great. As a preschool director, she sucks. She chose to give another woman (who hasn't been there as long as me) the afternoon supervisor position (after it was already given to me) because that woman "has no other life"....My boss says that because this woman has 3 kids and a husband with a shitty job, she needs the money more. And this woman is stuck here, she'll never do any better, she'll never leave the preschool, so my boss gave it to her. She's afraid that I'm going to leave the preschool and they'll be stuck. Since Liz is never going to leave, and I'll probably be leaving in like 2 years, it's better to just give her the job now?! CRAP CRAP CRAP! I told her I'll stick around for the preschool! I made plans to finish my degree here, to stay at home so I can stay at the preschool! I've rearranged all of my plans, my whole fricking life for this damned job! Kelley (the boss) also said that if a teaching position would ever open up, Liz isn't suited for that, and I am. So she'd give that to me. Well good then, give me the supervisor position until a teaching spot opens up. If you think I'm such a wonderful employee, keep me happy! Don't stick me with the crappy job because there's like a 1% chance you'll need me to teach later! And stop kissing the new aide's butt and bending over backwards to help her! You have 7 other employees! If you'd treat everyone fairly, maybe you wouldn't have people wanting to quit! Jessica put in her 2-weeks notice because she feels like she's getting stepped on. Kelley yells at Jessica for everything. Brandy did something stupid the other day, and it was Jessica's fault. Jessica wasn't even in the room, but it was her fault?! Grrr! Okay, I'm better now. Anyway, like I was saying, Jackie came back today. And as I was talking to Jackie, I started to wonder why it is that I get along with people older than me better than people my own age. Jackie's not much older, 26, but it made me think. It's really always been that way. I've hung out with younger crowds before, but never felt comfortable. Gerd's slightly older than me, and we get along so well. I talk to the older women at work more than anyone else. I'm closer to more of my mom's friends than people in my own age range...I wonder why.... I just feel like a fish out of water sometimes, like I don't fit in. I feel more comfortable around older people, but in the back of my mind I always feel like such a kid. Maybe it's a phase, hopefully I'll outgrow it. Goodness, this turned out to be longer than I intended. I'm off to bed now to dream about my honey, with the cellphone right beside my head in case he decides to call me! ;)
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I hear ya... I am married to and live with the man (Bob), and I MISS HIM LIKE CRAZY! We work a lot of the opposite shifts, and im sleeping when he gets up, and hes sleeping when I get home from work. *sigh* Its really hard on the relationship to miss someone that much... so I give you guys credit!
Well, I called and you didn't answer. Oh well, I see where I stand! LOL, I love you babe. If there is anything I can do for you, lemme know.
- Gerd