All at once

Well, that's it. For the last time, Gerd and I are over. I finally screwed up enough that I've lost it completely. And the sucky part is, I didn't screw up. Not the way I thought I did. I admitted to doing something I actually didn't do, after thinking about it I realized that I didn't lie. Anyway, it's done. I honestly thought he was it for me. The timing on this I guess is good because I'm just now hearing from the company I was working with to find an apartment. The complex I was lookin at, right near Gerd, does have spots available and in a good price range, so it sucked to hear that it would have been easy to make it happen, but at least this all went down before I moved. On to other things: the other job I thought I was going to have isn't panning out. So I'm stuck in preschool hell until I can get a vehicle and get the hell outta dodge. Even that's not lookin good, so I'm here for awhile. I had a little boy bite THROUGH his lip today, so I again had to deal with gushing blood. I'm proud of myself for how I've handled all this, I used to throw up when I cut my finger. Now almost nothing bothers me. My best friend's grandmother is in the hospital again. This time, she had a stroke. She's paralyzed on her right side, and De knows they're going to lose her. When she was in the hospital a few weeks ago for something different, she already acted like she was giving up. I wish I could be there for De, more than what I have been. Little brother's financial aide hasn't gone through yet, we're afraid that it won't in time for him to start school. Major stress going on here. My friend Brandy and the guy she's been dating for 2 months have set a wedding date. November 12. OF THIS YEAR. Are you freakin kidding me? You've been divorced for a year and are already getting married again? Think honey, think. It's gonna blow up in your face. It always does.
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wow, too bad for your friend. I hope it's not a mistake.
Just wanted to let ya'll know that I'm praying for De's family, and for yours also, I hope all goes well for all of ya'll. And a couple of special prayers for your own peace babe.

You've got alot going on down there chickie. Try to stay focused and hang in there.
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
