~153~ immortals

Listening to: stuff
Feeling: crappy
I have immortal life through The Blood of Jesus Christ, I Was unleashed from the chains of sin and death I will never die, no Redeemed, life of freedom Eternal salvation, seated in heavenly places I am immortal I live forever How sweet it is Not to fear death And how sweet To know …Truth Now when you lay down to sleep I pray the Lord your soul to keep But if you should die before you wake…… Go ahead and meet your death Go ahead and feed the worms Be content to vanish after your demise But I will not follow you, no Your way so pitifully mortal I’ve been unleashed from this coil, I leave this life Immortal! I am immortal I live forever Frost Like Ashes
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You are a Conspiracy Theorist!
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~two words one choice no regrets~
Read 2 comments
i got the same thing but i don't know why though. i don't think i'm a conspircey thearist, but maybe i am and don't know it.

eeee! the smiley's going to kill me.
thank you. the smiley dude with the knife, haha is all.