~225~ This is an automated entry

from the Isabelle Automated Entry System. Isabelle would like to leave the following message: I heart Derrick :) I suprisingly made dinner tonight. And it was suprisingly good. Chicken Dumplings. mmmmm wheee~ now I'm going to be helping my friend T-ravis and his dad watch the youngsters.. @_____@ ... CALL 911! CALL 911!! CALL 911!! lol Ya'll must see that thinga-ma-jig on www.stickdeath.com :) :( When I called them to tell them we can come I was saying "myyy daaad waaanted me to caaaall yooouuuu..." 'cause I was trying to think of why i had to call them, and all I could remember is that my dad wanted me to call.. lol. Anywho, now Ishy's making fun of me :( ...This is the end of the Isabelle Automated Entry System. Isabelle also wanted to leave you with this final note: I heart Derrick :) End Entry ~two words one choice no regrets~
Read 2 comments
I heart you to :D

'tis crap, we're rarely on at the same time... moo.
: P