Let's get serious here

Goals for this month ( will not be taken seriously after this momentary urge to organize my life is over): -Cut down to 4 cigarettes a day. (For algopharma reasons only) - Lose 7-8 pounds (10 is unrealistic, 9 is too close to 10. 5 isn't enough, and 6 is too close to 5) - Stop adding useless things to the to-do list (such as sleep, eat, comb hair) for the sole purpose of crossing it out. You have not accomplished anything! -Buy speed (I don't need to explain that) So, I've already dedicated an evening to homework, not because I am studious but because otherwise I'll probably fail. And it's only the second week! I hate hate hate my creative writing class. Kind of. I feel as if, in every class, I am being completely juiced of the little bit of creativity I have left. And the worst part is I never produce anything good! It is the main root of my stress, and I was living such a care-free, joke-of-a-life before. Damn. The only reason as to why I refuse to drop it is the "THAT'S NOT TRUE!" comment I made to my therapist when she said: "You always run away when the possibility of not succeeding arises. You never challenge yourself." I keep hearing her irritating voice in my head. So basically my stubbornness got me into this fucking mess. I am, on the other hand, really enjoying my feature writing class and all my other classes. In other news, I am about to give in to the pressure of finding a job and apply at Urban Outfitters with Veronika this Friday. I know they are hiring and in great need, and I have a few friends who work there and can put smiley stickers on my C.V ('cause that's what they actually do when they wanna recommend someone.) Oh, don't judge.
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it'd be so cool if you started working at urban outfitters you could teach me how to shoplift lol. you're not in a fucking mess. just chill for a minute, and figure out your creative writing class approach. i'm confident you'll do awesome. wooooo electro wooooooooo saphir woooooooo open bar. can't wait to see you ;)