Skipping thoughts

I sneezed six times in a row. I don't understand why doctors suggest to sneeze on the inner side of your elbow instead of on your hand. If you sneeze in your palm, you use the other hand to open the sink and wash the gross one, this way you don't infect anything. If you sneeze on your sleeve, then it will become infested with germs and will stay that way the whole day. So if you bump into somebody, or if one accidentally touches your sleeve, then the germs start to spread! And then these people will touch others without knowing, and so on and so on. I always receive weird looks when I block my sneeze with my hand. So, I'm a year older as of two days. No more wiser than a year ago, but definitely more scared and confused, and oddly enough, I feel like my body has aged a good 30 years since my last birthday. I need to write the first five pages of my creative writing final project, and I started to, then I realized that the main character is very much like Michael from the office. I think I'll still continue with it, I mean I could create a character based on another one, right? I kind of feel like cheating if I do go on with it, though. I've noticed that I've been rambling a lot in here. A lot of nonsense and whatnot. I don't really care, I may sound stupid or absolutely nuts or sometimes boring, but I think I really need an outlet. I feel very lonely lately. I haven't been seeing my best friend much, my boyfriend's and my work schedule don't match, everyone else is really busy with school and I really miss my sisters. I think it's kind of healthy to just spit things out on here, without editing or thinking twice, although it's pretty sad, Sitdiary has become the replacement to the question "how was your day?" Replacing human interactions with technology.
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