Nothing at the top but a bucket and a mop

I should write in here more. My visits to this site should be more frequent. I have gotten out of the habit of scribbling/typing every miniscule detail of my life. The obsession has passed and has been replaced with indifference. Whether this is good or bad depends on my day. I have gotten used to living with a perma-mental cluster. This is probably the reason I am behind in my creative writing workshops. I just don't give a shit, and don't care about the stories I spin or the words I clumsily form sentences with. But I am trying, I sigh, and keep going. Forty hours of work, 25 hours of school, 8 hours of homework and 8 hours of drunken carefree stupor doesn't leave much room for eat and sleep. (And I even walk to school and to both my jobs). And somehow I'm doing all this. Maintaining healthy relationships with my parents, siblings, friends and boyfriend. My body is angry, and I'm in a constant state of recharge. And until I run out, I'll continue, coffee or redbull in hand.

But, honestly, I am waiting for a furious crash.

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careful, that shit'll give you wings.