Fuck you. This blog is for you. For all the shit I should have said to your face in all this time. The shit I kept in because I tried to be a nice person. I tried to be the bigger man in all of this. Fuck you, you stupid piece of shit. You mean nothing to me. And honestly, for the majority of our time together, I questioned how much i really even wanted to be with you. You are a little boy. And even your age is far too old for you. You act like a baby. You cry, and whine, and pout, and need more attention than any toddler I have ever had to babysit, or watch over. You are a fucking pathetic sorry excuse for a human being. You are fake. You pretend to like people, and you bash them behind their backs. You are a liar, a hypocrite, and above all else, you are irational and ignorant. You might want to take out your dictionary so that you can keep up, cunt. You are, by far, the most terrible human being I have had the unpleasant opportunity to stumble upon. Pretend that you never cared. Pretend that you did nothing wrong. Pretend that I was terrible to you, and that you had it so hard.] Sweetie, you had it much better than what you pretend you did. Why so bitter baby? Your lack of attention getting the better of you? I put up with your bitching, and your moaning for a lot longer than I damn well should have, or even could stand. I listened to you cry like the little boy that you are all the time. Over some of the most stupid shit I have ever heard. And when you didnt get your way, or when you didnt feel the weight of everyones eyes on you, you cried some more. Youre the one who ended this. And youre the one who cried, and wrote a blog, right before, saying how you never wanted to lose me. That you love me. And, honestly, ending this was the smartest thing youve probably ever done. And I cant explain in words how happy I am that Im not with you. Youre the one who said you wanted things to be amicable, yet, YOURE THE ONE, who constantly shit talks, and slanders, and acts as if I did something terrible to you. I did nothing to you. If anything, I did too much for you. You are one of the most annoying people I have ever met. And even when I was with you, I couldnt stand you half the time. You had no idea what you were doing. You constantly acted like a baby. Youre pathetic, and jealous, ALL because you know that there are guys out there ten times better then you will ever be. Fuck NEVER regretting. YOU are the biggest regret in my life. Youre a pathetic male. You will never fully be loved by a girl. Because you dont know how to ever stop your selfish center from slipping out in the open. You are so absorbed in yourself, and your feelings, and getting attention that you never stop to see whats actually being done for you. Dont flatter yourself sweetie, youre incredibly easy to get over. I wasnt even over josh when I dated you. And if I ever wronged you in any way, shape or form, its when I wrote you that bullshit of a message telling you that I would always love you. You are nothing special. To look at. To talk to. To be with. To know. So, pretend that you dont care that you are hated, and despised. Pretend like you dont care that people think youre disgusting. Pretend like youre a hard ass even though everyone knows that you cry like a fucking baby all the time. And pretend like me being happy, and liking a guy more than I ever fucking liked you, doesnt just eat you up. Pretend. Because isnt that what boys your age do? I cant wait for the day that you rot in the ground. Your existence means nothing to me. Our relationship holds no meaning or substance to me. Honestly, I think I dated you because you were the first guy to treat me right. And, unlike you, I can admit that you were a good boyfriend. And things went smoothly. And I think for the first time I had someone who actually was nice to me. And was gentle. And I wasnt use to that. But I knew I needed that. And I think I chose to be with you because of that. But I would always say to Mari that I wasnt sure if you were what I wanted. And many times I contemplated breaking up with you because I just knew that it wasnt where I was suppose to be. I was hardly attracted to you. And after awhile, I found your clingy-ness to be annoying, and bothersome. You acted more like my son, than a boyfriend. And I couldnt handle it. And I always have regretted not breaking up with you sooner. Because things went on far too long than they should have. And you made a smart move. And you ended it. And I was shocked. And when you lose something, shock causes you to do stupid things. My stupid thing was writing that letter. Because I know I didnt mean it. But I wanted to. You were the one who ended it. And you were the one who wanted to remain friends. And I tried. I really did. I texted, and i smiled, and i remained happy. I talked good things about you, and I always made sure that I was still being a friend. BUT YOU WERE THE ONE WHO FOUND IT IMPOSSIBLE TO GIVE ME THE SAME REPESCT. you slandered me, and lied about me. AND FOR WHAT? I did nothing to you. Expecially when we broke up. You are a pussy who cant handle fights. And more so, you are a fgt who craves other pussy, which you broke up with me for. And Im fine with that because its something I wouldnt have given you. Dont write me your texts, or letters, apologizing, and crying, if it really doesnt mean shit to you. You just look pathetic. You are not the person I use to know. Throughout this, I have tried to respect you, and be kind about you. EVEN BEHIND YOUR BACK. But I wont do it anymore. If you wont play nice, neither will i. You fucking faggot. Rot in hell.
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