
I forgot that now a days we can know somebody so well by just following their TWITTER ACCOUNT. isnt that right Valerie, and Vanessa? I mean, thats why you assume you know everything about my life. Because of all my tweets i post? you assume you know where I am, what tone Im using, and what Im doing at that particular time. it doesnt even occur to you that the things I say are sarcastic sometimes. Other times theyre inside jokes?

Can you even name three of my major interests in life? Three of my favorite animals? Colors? foods?

Do you have any idea about me? no, you dont. and deep down you know that what im saying is true.

I love, Vanessa, that you wrote a whole entry dedicated to telling me, in a round about way, that I am immature, and not strong enough for "attacking valerie". So, what goes for me must go double for Valerie, right? Because as I recall her attack started first, and for no good reason. The messages she sent were dripping with insults just to hurt me. I am strong, Vanessa. Strong enough to walk away from too people who are unhealthy friends. Two people that are on a high horse and put others on a pedastle. Two people who never forgive and dwell in their bitterness, and put all the blame on others. I find it funny that you both disregard what you have done to people, but youre very quick to chastize Nick and I. I never claimed to know you, and likewise, I do not want to.

I find it funny that your boyfriend agreed with me one time when i said it was best I dont talk to you both because its no use. I said you would never let me live "whatever it is" down. You both will always attack when you see an opportunity. You will pretend to make things better, and secretly talk about how im "fake." Please, explain how im fake. So, im fake for smoking cigarettes, pot, getting drunk? Im such a terrible horrible person, right? i just wanna be cool, right? then so must your dad, and sister, and every other person in this world. Your boyfriend even agreed , and said he completely understood why i dont even talk to you both. Because theres no getting through to you.

I have nothing to prove. I know that I am a good person. I know that i am loved, and liked, and the feelings are returned. I do as much as i can to help people, and despite the laughter you will use when reading this, you cant reply to it, because YOU DONT SEE ME ON A DAILY BASIS.

So get the fuck off my twitter, and leave me alone.

You can go to the most prestigious of schools, get the best grades, and be the smartest girls, but if you spend your time dwelling in bitterness towards your family, attacking your family, and never forgiving them...well, then you have nothing to be proud of. Likewise, you re not aware of the pain you cause others. I am strong enough to ignore your remarks because i know tht neither of you know me, or my personality anymore. You both only gett cattiness, and anger, because you are the only two people in my life who try to provoke it from me.

I feel sorry for you both.

I also laughed when I read the line "Uhm, sophi, im 17, i have no bills."

Thats funny, I have had bills since I was fifteen. Its called cellphones, and makeup products. And taking care of yourself.

grow up.

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makeup isnt a bill.
[Anonymous (]