Insects to Chew to Your Brain

I love you, Erika I witnessed a lot of people's ignorance today, just as I have very often lately. So I'm going to work my way up to it, and list some other things too. Finally, I'll make an entry that is somewhat lengthy. 1. Yesterday this African American girl accused me of being racist, because everytime she asks me something, I'll just stare at her. The reason I stare at her is because almost every word that comes out of her mouth is pointless and stupid, to me at least. For example, she saw a picture I drew of a woman with no face that was holding a mask in her hand with a sad face on it, and she asked me "What kinda woman is that?" Maybe it would have been an okay question if worded differently, and if she actually gave some thought to it. Plus, I believe she called me a "Queer-Boy" once, but sometimes listening to conversations you aren't a part of, but know you're being talked about causes you to misunderstand. 2. This is most likely my biggest annoyance. Days ago, I was talking to a friend (?), Brittany. She was telling me how there are a lot of less common things about me, like how I'm vegetarian and I'm an athiest. omgz did u say aetiest??/ Then the girl next to me says something similar to "That's bad." Immediately my attention is drawn on her. And if she said what I thought she just said, then I know this could become entertainment for me. So, I question her. Yes, that's what she said, and that's what she meant. She preached to me, so I preached to her. I believe her Anti-Christware blocked out everything I said, though she did say that I go into detail with things too much. And even everytime I mentioned something that wasn't about Christianity, she would say things like "I don't care, it's not real" or just try and hush me. After that class ended, she left mad and I left mad for the fact of the first words--that I know of--she spoke to me. Before that moment, her existence meant absolutely nothing to me. On another day, when I go talk to Brittany, Brittany makes jokes about me being athiest [Jokes that make me laugh] and how the girl and I argued. For example, she said she and I would have demon-babies together, and so on. Somehow these things are turned on me, and the girl says that I throw me being an athiest in her face a lot, when I know for sure I haven't done that since the first time we had the conversation--when she told me that my beliefs were bad. I believe it was Thursday, when I came in our class and waved to her and she shook her head and then ignored me. Then when I say "Jesus Christ" for whatever reason she says "Don't say that." I didn't know what I said so thinking I said God damn, I kindly said "I'm sorry, did I say GD?" [I really wasn't being sarcastic, I figured that's what I said, and I was ready to make peace with her] but she spoke up and said "You said JC." Oh my Lord, what are we coming to? Later on that day I asked her to just forget about it, and anything she thinks I'm wrong for, to just forgive me, and keeping her same ways towards me, we just depart class. Today came, and we had a group assignment, I wanted to work with Brittany, so I went to the back to sit, and the Anti-Josh girl speaks up and says "You're not working with us." Then I begin to yell at her about holding a grudge, and not dropping it about me being an athiest, and somehow I'm still blamed for not letting anything go. Now it seems hard for me to let go, for the fact that I never got to express myself to her. Oh well, I'll move on.
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God Damn. Just tell her to go to hell. Tell her Satan says she was a good fuck. Or something.
Love the journal Josh. You and Erika doing good I hope. lol. I added you so you could read my journal when you're really really bored. lol. I had it friends only so Beth Dean's psycho ex-g/f wouldn't find out a few things about me and ttyl bye--
Nice sit.