Now with Extras! ;D

Incase you're feeling vindictive, that wasn't me that slit your tires and took the opportunity to gut your family! That was a demon that arises from my very own brain. The accompanying sauce is just for presentation, however. It really has no flavor, really. A priest tried to exorcise my demons, but they're just couch potatoes when it comes right down to it. But really you guys, I'm feeling so good this morning. I'm feeling sleepy and then I'm not. I really feel so odd right now though. Good-odd. I took my dog for a walk sometime, maybe around 1ish or 2ish, and it felt so good outside and considering the time, I just sat down on the road for a while. I wanted to lie down, but at that point I was afraid of falling asleep. Then while out there, I just looked at the stars for a while. I'm always hypnotized by the stars, because I enjoy looking at the all encompassing dome shape of the atmosphere that's apparent when you look at the sky like that, almost like a snow-globe, except the fake flakes are frozen at the top of the glass. Then my dog starts barking and all, so I walk inside. Then I get really curious with fire, so while I'm inside I'm doing all kinds of things with this lighter. I can't even remember some of the things, but [Again, keep in mind how I've said I'm a little weirder at night] I remember taking ice and putting it in a plastic bowl and after doing that, I squirted some of the lighter fluid on it (I'm sure that had something to do with it), and then I take a nice chunk of paper towel and light it on fire, and then I feel the flame all up on my fingers, but I drop it in the bowl, and somehow, that little fire did not stall in the least bit. Screw the ice, it said. And so I'm panicking, because this is plastic, and that flame is pretty big, not to mention all the loose paper I had lying around, so I start blowing and all, and then I run to the sink really quick, and put it out with some water. But the worst part about that story is something in the midst of the small fire and my blowing on it, ashes or something got in my eyes pretty bad, so they got a wee bit pink, and they burned for a good while. Then I stayed up some more. And more. And I look at the clock, and think that maybe it's pretty late into the morning by now, despite it still being pitch black outside, but it's around five. Though it's late[early?], it's just been such a long morning already. I should consider sleep, however. My friend made vague mention of going shopping tomorrow/today, and she mentioned this at a time when we were discussing possibly doing something this weekend, so perhaps I'll be going shopping with her. I feel like going outside again. It's so pretty. Oh. Yeah. That thing. I said I was going to write it the other day, but I didn't. I just remembered. I finished the entry that said I was going to start it, but I got off the internet instead of starting the thingy, and now it's just floating around in my head. I can feel it kicking. I think it's a boy. Goodnight everybody, -I Shake the Globe
Read 2 comments

It's a boy! :oP

Have A Good One :oD

♥ Lyss*
oh man.
oh boy,in fact.

pyromania and insomnia..dewd we wer lyk made fer each oter.

and the chick before me spelled congratulations* wrong. You have to hit the "t". If you let it roll off the toungue with the "d" then you're just being lazy, and we gas lazy people like that here.

Thank you for your time, butch.