Erika-The Poo Nugget what Fell from Space

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Erika-The Poo Nugget what Fell From Space (One more Erika entry, then I stop, for realz! For now at least) Okay, I think now is the best time to do this before it gets old to me (hence why it's the third Erika entry)! 'Cause I've been saving it for a good while, but here are some good ol' fashion Yahoo IMs from Erika and me. I started collecting them, but I only got about one to two weeks worth of funny stuff. And this is pretty old. We've said plenty of funny things since the two month oldness of these! AND IF YOU READ ALL OF IT, SOMETHING VERY AMAZING WILL BE REVEALED AT THE VERY END. AND YOU MUST READ ALL OF IT BEFORE YOU SEE THE VERY LAST THING. Unless you scroll down. ;- Okay, so Anything that offends you is just us being funny, so like. Don't think hard on any of it, 'cause that's how it is. l_read_the_label_l=me x0_nobody_0x=Erika BEGIN: x0_nobody_0x: it'd be funny x0_nobody_0x: if it came with a sticker. x0_nobody_0x: "this vagina protected by FemDefence x0_nobody_0x: " x0_nobody_0x: like those ADT signs you get when you buy an ADT security system. l_read_the_label_l: LOL x0_nobody_0x: I'm going to develop some panties that you have to have a code to take off. x0_nobody_0x: like, no code, no go. l_read_the_label_l: Haha. l_read_the_label_l: And an alarm system will sound. x0_nobody_0x: lol. x0_nobody_0x: my homeroom teacher taught a defense class for women. and he was telling the girls in our class all the things we should do. x0_nobody_0x: and one of them was pee on the rapist. x0_nobody_0x: he was all "you won't seem so sexy when you've peed all over him and yourself" x0_nobody_0x (12:02:46 AM): if women have to do it men should too x0_nobody_0x (12:03:27 AM): hairy legs feel so gross. x0_nobody_0x (12:03:43 AM): ewers I'm imagining a hairy leg touching me. l_read_the_label_l (12:03:48 AM): If men have to put the toilet seat down, women should have to too. x0_nobody_0x (12:03:57 AM): women don't lift it up l_read_the_label_l (12:04:06 AM): Eeeeeeexactly! [We were talking about a particular life-like sex-doll here] l_read_the_label_l (12:25:47 AM): I wonder what happens if you cum in one of those things. l_read_the_label_l (12:25:52 AM): Do you let it stay. Or like. l_read_the_label_l (12:26:07 AM): Squeeze it's ass to make it shit dispense it out or something. l_read_the_label_l (12:07:11 AM): It is weird how guys do that though. x0_nobody_0x (12:07:13 AM): noice. x0_nobody_0x (12:07:33 AM): indeed. l_read_the_label_l (12:07:56 AM): I'm glad mine grew. ;D l_read_the_label_l (12:08:01 AM): I used to be worried about it. x0_nobody_0x (12:08:11 AM): MINE IS HUGE. x0_nobody_0x (12:08:37 AM): it drags on the floor when I walk. I have to fold it up. when I unfold it at the end of the day it looks like linked sausage. l_read_the_label_l (12:09:27 AM): Neat. l_read_the_label_l (12:09:33 AM): Mine is like one link. ;- l_read_the_label_l (12:09:37 AM): Not really though! >;[ l_read_the_label_l (12:02:23 AM): I'm ver ver advanced beyond my years. I know everything. I am Wal-Mart. >;D x0_nobody_0x (12:02:53 AM): I think today was free day at walmart for the retarded. x0_nobody_0x (12:03:01 AM): because I swear there were so many tards there. l_read_the_label_l (11:02:28 PM): Expensive underwear. x0_nobody_0x (11:02:37 PM): yes. it is. x0_nobody_0x (11:02:48 PM): I wonder why it is so expensive. l_read_the_label_l (11:04:10 PM): Maybe it has the power of God invested in it. x0_nobody_0x (11:44:45 PM): so uh. x0_nobody_0x (11:44:47 PM): what's new l_read_the_label_l (11:45:03 PM): My balls grew back. So that's good. l_read_the_label_l (11:46:21 PM): What's new with you? x0_nobody_0x (12:41:38 AM): is a great site. l_read_the_label_l (12:41:45 AM): Haha. That sounds dirty. x0_nobody_0x (4:08:50 PM): I need a facial. l_read_the_label_l (4:09:08 PM): I need a face. l_read_the_label_l (4:09:25 PM): Let's put cucumubers on each other's eyes. l_read_the_label_l (4:09:32 PM): cucumbers* l_read_the_label_l (4:48:17 PM): How does this shirt make you feel: l_read_the_label_l (4:48:17 PM): l_read_the_label_l (4:48:38 PM): Look over how hott the guy is and how much I'd like to rip his asshole a part, but how nice it'd look on me. x0_nobody_0x (12:10:12 AM): I have returned to conquer your ass with my ten inch strap on!!! l_read_the_label_l (12:11:03 AM): thanx! x0_nobody_0x (12:31:22 AM): make my butt magically smaller. l_read_the_label_l (12:31:54 AM): Can't! x0_nobody_0x (12:32:09 AM): well I hate you then l_read_the_label_l (12:32:15 AM): Nuh uh. l_read_the_label_l (12:32:23 AM): I love you x0_nobody_0x (12:32:26 AM): I hate you. x0_nobody_0x (12:32:47 AM): you can just go die for all I care l_read_the_label_l (12:33:13 AM): Hehe. l_read_the_label_l (12:35:17 AM): Come be with me. x0_nobody_0x (12:35:20 AM): okay. l_read_the_label_l (1:16:06 AM): MY dog has a tick on his dick. ;'( l_read_the_label_l (1:16:14 AM): His peter's gonna get infected. x0_nobody_0x (1:16:21 AM): well get it off! l_read_the_label_l (1:17:27 AM): I can't. l_read_the_label_l (1:17:28 AM): x0_nobody_0x (1:17:35 AM): why not? l_read_the_label_l (1:17:41 AM): Because. x0_nobody_0x (1:17:53 AM): because why? l_read_the_label_l (1:17:57 AM): I don't know how easy it'll be for someone to suck his cock again. ;- x0_nobody_0x (1:18:03 AM): you better get it off. x0_nobody_0x (1:18:06 AM): omg stop. l_read_the_label_l (1:19:16 AM): Hmg. l_read_the_label_l (1:19:20 AM): I suppose I should! l_read_the_label_l (1:19:25 AM): I'm scared to touch it though. x0_nobody_0x (1:24:36 AM): I bet you put that tick on his penis, just to have an excuse to touch it. x0_nobody_0x (1:24:37 AM): freak. l_read_the_label_l (1:24:43 AM): Hehe. l_read_the_label_l (9:03:20 PM): Brittany and I went to Kerr Drug place to visit Kelly for a minute. l_read_the_label_l (9:03:21 PM): And. l_read_the_label_l (9:03:24 PM): I was in a good mood. l_read_the_label_l (9:03:34 PM): And you know, there were other people behind the counter with her. l_read_the_label_l (9:03:40 PM): Probably four or five at least. l_read_the_label_l (9:03:42 PM): And anyway. l_read_the_label_l (9:03:49 PM): I went walking down an isle. l_read_the_label_l (9:03:57 PM): Or however you spell it. l_read_the_label_l (9:03:58 PM): And. l_read_the_label_l (9:04:02 PM): I saw vasoline. x0_nobody_0x (9:04:04 PM): aisle. l_read_the_label_l (9:04:19 PM): So I grabbed like a whole bunch of vaselines. Vasolines. Or whatever. l_read_the_label_l (9:04:23 PM): And took them up to the counter. l_read_the_label_l (9:04:32 PM): And spilled the containers of it on the counter. l_read_the_label_l (9:04:43 PM): And this chick comes out and gives the most "wtf" look ever. l_read_the_label_l (9:05:32 PM): Then I carried them back and dropped them on the ground. And a douche box fell over. And Brittany was all "Josh, you dropped the douche on the ground!" l_read_the_label_l (9:34:12 PM): I love you like I love my penis. Long and oddly shaped. x0_nobody_0x (9:51:20 PM): OMG LETS GO TO CREATIONFEST. l_read_the_label_l (9:52:12 PM): Explain. x0_nobody_0x (9:52:30 PM): Christian Rock FESTIVAL. l_read_the_label_l (10:51:59 PM): vroom vroom screech. l_read_the_label_l (10:52:05 PM): I'm outside your door! l_read_the_label_l (10:52:08 PM): Hurry and come out! x0_nobody_0x (10:52:14 PM): wow that was fast. l_read_the_label_l (10:52:22 PM): Naked. And screaming "doohahanoogie spoots!" x0_nobody_0x (10:52:34 PM): who are you? I don't know who you are. x0_nobody_0x (10:52:41 PM): if you don't get off my property I'll shoot you l_read_the_label_l (10:55:07 PM): Hehe. l_read_the_label_l (10:55:18 PM): You're the naked one. >;[ Screaming obscenities in Mexican. x0_nobody_0x (10:55:28 PM): FUCK YOU. x0_nobody_0x (10:55:34 PM): I'm not naked. x0_nobody_0x (10:55:44 PM): I'm just wearing skin colored lycra l_read_the_label_l (1:58:20 AM): You know. l_read_the_label_l (1:58:27 AM): It would suck if your insides exploded. l_read_the_label_l (1:58:46 AM): Minorly exploded, so then that way your body doesn't rip open. l_read_the_label_l (1:58:58 AM): It's just floating around inside of you. l_read_the_label_l (2:07:28 AM): That's not cool. ;- l_read_the_label_l (2:07:30 AM): Be all like. l_read_the_label_l (2:07:57 AM): "I got hair on my nuts, I don't need to listen to your bullshit!" And then she'd surrender to your almighty power. l_read_the_label_l (2:12:36 AM): You should have a sleep over. l_read_the_label_l (2:12:38 AM): And like. l_read_the_label_l (2:12:45 AM): Well. l_read_the_label_l (2:12:47 AM): Have like. l_read_the_label_l (2:12:54 AM): Brittany and Kelly and me. and uh.. l_read_the_label_l (2:12:55 AM): That's it. l_read_the_label_l (2:12:58 AM): But have me too. l_read_the_label_l (2:13:04 AM): And sneak me in as a girl. l_read_the_label_l (2:13:07 AM): Or a sleeping bag. x0_nobody_0x (2:13:23 AM): oh yeah, I'm sure my mom will buy that I have a friend with facial hair >.> l_read_the_label_l (2:13:29 AM): Yes! She would. l_read_the_label_l (2:13:41 AM): Facial hair on chicks is so "in" now. x0_nobody_0x (2:14:03 AM): I could be all "she has klinfelders or whatver' l_read_the_label_l (2:41:40 AM): Please don't stick your penis inside my ass! x0_nobody_0x (2:41:50 AM): come on. x0_nobody_0x (2:41:52 AM): it will be fun l_read_the_label_l (2:42:11 AM): No! l_read_the_label_l (2:42:18 AM): Okay, I wouldn't be too tired. l_read_the_label_l (2:42:22 AM): So retract your penis. l_read_the_label_l (2:42:34 AM): And so on. x0_nobody_0x (2:42:50 AM): aww l_read_the_label_l (2:43:24 AM): It's better that way though! x0_nobody_0x (2:43:50 AM): I dunno man. butt raping is pretty awesome. l_read_the_label_l (3:09:32 AM): Man. l_read_the_label_l (3:09:35 AM): I had like. l_read_the_label_l (3:09:40 AM): A big thing of Gatorade today. l_read_the_label_l (3:09:51 AM): I haven't even drank it in like. Years and years now. l_read_the_label_l (3:09:56 AM): But I couldn't stop. l_read_the_label_l (3:10:01 AM): Now I will sweat orange. l_read_the_label_l (3:10:14 AM): I will sweat it from my nipples, and you can lick it off. It'd be really erotic. x0_nobody_0x (3:11:12 AM): that's disgusting. l_read_the_label_l (3:11:36 AM): Hehe. l_read_the_label_l (1:06:33 AM): I thought you said "got up to tan," at first. x0_nobody_0x (1:06:39 AM): oh yeah. x0_nobody_0x (1:06:40 AM): you know me. x0_nobody_0x (1:06:46 AM): I love laying out in the sun x0_nobody_0x (1:06:52 AM): I like that crispy bacon look. x0_nobody_0x (1:06:53 AM): so sexy. x0_nobody_0x (1:07:06 AM): I wish I was black. l_read_the_label_l (1:07:13 AM): Same. x0_nobody_0x (1:07:17 AM): I'll do anything to look mexican. x0_nobody_0x (1:07:19 AM): even get cancer. l_read_the_label_l (1:08:01 AM): Mexicancer. l_read_the_label_l (1:13:24 AM): My nipples are hard. x0_nobody_0x (1:13:44 AM): noice. l_read_the_label_l (1:13:56 AM): It is! x0_nobody_0x (1:14:17 AM): ok, what I need you to do now is go to your bathroom. x0_nobody_0x (1:14:21 AM): pick up a razor. x0_nobody_0x (1:14:26 AM): and cut your nipples off. l_read_the_label_l (1:14:39 AM): Okay! l_read_the_label_l (1:14:57 AM): And I will flush them down the toilet. x0_nobody_0x (1:15:07 AM): perfect. x0_nobody_0x (1:15:10 AM): hey wait. x0_nobody_0x (1:15:17 AM): you aren't going to go on montel, right? l_read_the_label_l (1:15:53 AM): Of course I am! Nothing is greater than showing off how much of an idiot you are on national television! l_read_the_label_l (1:29:03 AM): That was the best thing Mrs. Webb has ever said in the entirety of her life. x0_nobody_0x (1:29:09 AM): I know. x0_nobody_0x (1:29:19 AM): she should have killed herself afterwards. x0_nobody_0x (1:29:58 AM): I feel like making out with a girl. get it out of my system. l_read_the_label_l (1:30:09 AM): I'm a girl! x0_nobody_0x (1:30:24 AM): no you aren't. l_read_the_label_l (1:30:28 AM): yes! l_read_the_label_l (1:30:30 AM): >;[ l_read_the_label_l (1:30:34 AM): Accept it. x0_nobody_0x (1:30:36 AM): show me your vag then. l_read_the_label_l (1:30:41 AM): Okay, I will. x0_nobody_0x (1:33:08 AM): she's purring in my ear. x0_nobody_0x (1:33:11 AM): so kayoot x0_nobody_0x (1:33:30 AM): she gave me a little kiss l_read_the_label_l (1:34:29 AM): I wish my dog would pur in my ear. ;- x0_nobody_0x (1:34:36 AM): well he won't x0_nobody_0x (1:34:40 AM): cause he's a dumb stupid dog. x0_nobody_0x (1:34:50 AM): he's not a fucking awesome cat like Chloe. x0_nobody_0x (2:36:27 AM): because. I want to take it, since it makes you bleed out your cooch only four times a year. but I'm forgetful, and I'd forget to take a pill every day. l_read_the_label_l (2:45:11 AM): Just deal with being a bleeder. x0_nobody_0x (2:45:19 AM): NO. x0_nobody_0x (2:50:39 AM): you should write an entry in your sitdiary someday, and call it Erika-The Poo Nugget what Fell From Space" x0_nobody_0x (2:50:58 AM): or something. l_read_the_label_l (2:51:12 AM): Okay. l_read_the_label_l (2:51:33 AM): You should write an entry titled "Josh-The extremely Sexy Beast Man" Someday. x0_nobody_0x (2:51:36 AM): and in it, you should talk about how much you love Polyphonic Spree x0_nobody_0x (2:51:49 AM): and how you'd much rather have relations with the lead singer than me l_read_the_label_l (2:52:02 AM): NEVARRR!!!1 x0_nobody_0x (2:27:02 AM): when it's three in the morning, and my eyebrows are smeared across my forehead, will you still love me? l_read_the_label_l (2:08:09 AM): It's 2:00, do you know where your child is? x0_nobody_0x (2:08:57 AM): yeah. x0_nobody_0x (2:09:00 AM): in a jar on the shelf. l_read_the_label_l (12:02:22 AM): What are you doing right now? x0_nobody_0x (12:02:31 AM): playing solitaire l_read_the_label_l (12:02:49 AM): Niiice. l_read_the_label_l (12:02:59 AM): Okay. What are you wearing? l_read_the_label_l (12:03:03 AM): Solitaire gets me real hot. x0_nobody_0x (12:03:32 AM): I'm wearing a nasty old tshirt. l_read_the_label_l (12:15:26 AM): You are mistaken. >;[ x0_nobody_0x (12:16:10 AM): No sir, it is you who are mistaken. l_read_the_label_l (12:16:26 AM): Perhaps. l_read_the_label_l (12:16:27 AM): For I am.. l_read_the_label_l (12:16:34 AM): wa-na-na! Jack Bandit! l_read_the_label_l (12:16:53 AM): LOL Jack Bandit is so funny sounding! l_read_the_label_l (12:16:55 AM): Just say it. l_read_the_label_l (12:16:58 AM): Jack...Bandit. l_read_the_label_l (12:20:09 AM): Erika. l_read_the_label_l (12:20:15 AM): If we were Smurfs then like.. l_read_the_label_l (12:20:28 AM): Would you smurf me in a smurfmobile? x0_nobody_0x (12:20:42 AM): wtf. x0_nobody_0x (4:50:10 PM): fuckin' poser l_read_the_label_l (4:50:35 PM): STFU l_read_the_label_l (4:50:42 PM): u suck l_read_the_label_l (4:50:45 PM): u nig x0_nobody_0x (4:51:14 PM): don't be hatin' l_read_the_label_l (4:51:52 PM): nignignignig x0_nobody_0x (4:52:03 PM): mexmexmexmex l_read_the_label_l (4:52:30 PM): stfu l_read_the_label_l (4:52:36 PM): go choke on watermelon. x0_nobody_0x (4:52:47 PM): go pick some tobacco. l_read_the_label_l (4:53:41 PM): Go beat your wife. x0_nobody_0x (4:54:06 PM): go sell some drugs. l_read_the_label_l (4:55:12 PM): Hold up. l_read_the_label_l (4:55:18 PM): You do that too! x0_nobody_0x (4:55:25 PM): stfu. x0_nobody_0x (4:55:28 PM): go eat a taco x0_nobody_0x (12:06:46 AM): yeah, when I puke in your mouth. l_read_the_label_l (12:07:11 AM): mmmm, baby, u know u be turnin' me on when you talk like dat. l_read_the_label_l (4:14:49 PM): Come put mayonnaise all over my body and lick it off! It'd be really attractive, and it'd make us both smell really nice. AND TO CLOSE, ERIKA AND I ARE BACK TOGETHER, SO TECHNICALLY, WE ARE HEADED TOWARD FOUR YEARS SINCE WE FIRST STARTED DATING! Hehe, I love her so muchifuls. :-) -LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Read 3 comments
LOL I AM LOLING. I love you so much!!
yep i started school, but is cuz here hollydays are different, but it fucking sucks ha
I don't really know what to comment, but I will since you asked me to. So here I am, commentin'. Mmmyep. I sure am leaving a comment.

Anyway, I can't wait to get home and talk to you on the phone. I love you!!!!