Multiple SCROLLerosis

An entry with multiple reasons for existing.
The Day
I spent my day at Kelly's again with she and Erika. It was a lot of fun. And I noticed a little while ago, as a result of Erika's punching me in the mouth, that I have a little cut on my lip. Kelly's house is the funnest. :-)
Reclaiming Myself
Only a few pieces of cracker and cookie went in my nose and what did go in my nose, I think, just fell out after a few minutes. So don't worry, nothing will rot in there as a result of a few crumbs going in my nose. Believe me, living in the world that we live in today, I'm sure more dangerous things enter our noses everyday. I've had a friend who snorted cumin pepper and who knows what else and a friend who snorted a few other things that were not usual snortable things.
A Top Ten Wishlist of Things...
...You Just Wouldn't Believe I'd Want. I probably want some of the weirdest things you could imagine. A recent interest of mine is 19th century medical equipment. That's something I'd want. I'd like to have some old prosthetic body parts in my possession[Not for me personally, but to have as a collection, to maybe put away or set out for decoration. And certainly not to make a mockery for those who actually need 'em]. Some barbie dolls or X-rays for an art project. All kinds of stuff. So this list isn't for odd things, but things you wouldn't expect me personally to want to own, being me and all. You know. So here goes. 10. Diaphinised [sp?] Pig Fetus-Sure, some of my friends would understand ME wanting this, but to those who know I'm a vegetarian, you think, "WHY?" Because a)Hopefully no animals were hurt FOR this particular reason; maybe it's mother was slaughtered for some other reason. Let's hope so, 'cause then I'd feel guilty. B) I'm pro abortion, anyway. Just thought I'd throw that one in for kicks. By the way, this is at ten because it's not THAT surprising that I'd want it. 9. Okay, I'm on number nine. And I'm thinkin'... when you're a guy who wants to own a pink feather boa, loves cheesy sci-fi films, done what has been mentioned in the past few entries, and is pretty Bejeezused odd, nothing seems that surprising, does it? UGH, however will I make it to number ONE? I know! I'll just skip nine. Whoahahaha! I wouldn't mind owning a couple Eminem CDs, by the way. I hear the latest one sucks, though. 8. I was just reminded of this while watching South Park today, but I want to own a Jesus statue with him crucified. That's actually been a thought of mine since way back. 7. A Magic Bullet-Just to see if that damn thing really works. >;( 6. An autographed picture of Don Knotts-I don't know...I mean you know. It's Don Knotts. He just seems like someone you'd need an autographed picture of. 5. Good Lord. I can't go on. I could shorten this list.. and you'd never know it was supposed to be a top ten. Hm. Nah. Ooh. Here's one. It's the best I can do for number five. FLCL-It's an anime. And growing out of the Dragon Ball Z stage several years back, I haven't liked anime since. It's...just not right. But someone that I'm a fan of [Jhonen Vasquez] said he liked it and figuring it'd probably be something that'd entertain me also, I meant to check it out but only saw one episode or so. I'd like to own the series just to see what it was about. Maybe after watching it I'd sell it to a hobo, so he can finally eat something. There is one thing I like, however, that fits in the anime category, and that's The Animatrix. You guys should check it out. 4. A trip to Disney World. I'm a 16 year old boy who absolutely hates Disney movies. 'Nough said. 3. A copy of the Satanic Bible-I chose this for the lack of being able to pick anything else and the fact that I think Satanism is crap, but I think Anton LaVey's philosophy was sometimes interesting, even if he did rip other people off. 2. To piss you off just before I get to one. So fuck you, Turd. No really. I just couldn't think of anything else. OR. I could say that I'd like to own a close up photograph of my first block teacher-Jeezus, it'd be hilarious to look at. 1. I saved this one for number one. I'd like to own Britney Spears' My Prerogative CD and DVD-Particularly just for the DVD, which I just want for her videos, My Prerogative and Everytime. I seriously had a hard time filling out the list, and I think that only a couple of those would seem odd to the people who know me or of me. So yeah, basically you just wasted your time. Wheeee. -LOL, Bejeezused
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Well, now the Mistress knows what to get you for Christmas. :)
I put a cut on your lip? NEAT!