
The thing I find amazing about these things that people who study astrology and the occult write is they're often very matching to ones own personality. It's just fascinating to me. I've recently started affiliating with this woman that does astrological charts over the internet, and I've started discussing phenomenotheism with her. I haven't received my astrological chart from her yet, but I thought of her just now, when I accidentally stumbled upon something about Gemini on the internet-- I was looking up JT Leroy, and the term ambi-sexual was used in describing him. So I thought "Hey, maybe that's what I am." So I looked the word up, but before I could find what I was looking for I found something about the Gemini that's very matching to me. Eventually, I put two and two together and pretty much figured out that ambi sexual would be similar to bi-sexual, since Ambi- would mean two. I love the usage of two associated with myself. I've realized how often siamese twins have appeared in my art since 2002(ish), and I have plans for twin pre-teens in one of my stories who give a blowjob to a black man (I thought of twins having sex BEFORE Marilyn Manson, Goddammit! Except they don't have actual sex in my story anyway) And I feel that in a way I have multiple faces which can fit into two categories. One being the one my mother and the like see, and the other being the one that hasn't fully hatched, because of the existence of the first. Once again I'm interested in the occult and mysticism. From a distance of course. There have been times when I've been absolutely disgusted with these things, but I love the disillusioned Magic of them, and they fascinate me. And the essence of this magic plays a bit of a role in Phenomenotheism. And about that--I know it's ridiculous to my friends (Does it make you want to throw up?) but it's how I've organized my thoughts, and I wish it could be big. It could be the nicotine patch for the thriving freethinker. Ordinary people come up with foolishness. Look where scientology went. And mine is a mere philosophy with no gods or idols. It's a community for people like me to interact through brainwaves. One day I want to make my notes available on the internet to the right people, and I'd like for them to join my league of reality. And I want it to spread to complex individuals. Pathetic or not, it is a dream of mine. So I'm thinking about about astrology, and how it's fake to me, but very real coming from the words of the "gifted" human. That's amazing.
You truly are a Mercurial person -Shannon
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