Greetings from Faith

Faith. That was the word I was looking for all along. I just couldn't quite think of it. Time to revise! When three brothers have sex, you know it's one of two things. And I'm off. -Faith sprouts flowers. --------------------- Today was the last day of this semester for me. I took my graphics II exam and then went to art to finish one of my projects. I suppose I made a new friend in there. Next semester, as far as I know, I don't have any classes with my friends. I may have one with That Mexican Girl, but I don't like her. Next year, I think I'm going to take classes that are somewhat more difficult than the ones I took this year. Ick. Well anyway, I felt like writing, so yeah. -Super Duper reindeer pooper omgz Kelly, that thing is juss so kyute. :-)
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Can't you ever just say something nice without saying something mean? I don't care if you were joking.