Dear Diary

I could actually see myself writing an essay on the value of a diary. And I think I will one day. I enjoy writing things. Obscure things sometimes(With exception of those X's, maybe I don't regret picking such a name for my sitDiary, and I'm just now realizing that). I was reading a quote one time, and it was said by Manson, that we don't write in journals for ourselves, but for other people to read. And I think that's really true for me. Everything I write. One day when I'm dead, should I ever have a book of my most personal feelings, I want it to be exposed. I want people to read it, feel it, and become it. So I was with Erika in a book store in the mall one day a month or so ago, and we were looking at diaries, and for some reason, I regret not buying one of the one's I was eyeing. Something small and convenient, that I would take most places with me to take notes in. I don't see myself keeping a conventional diary, with the "Dear Diary, me and the girls went to the skating rink tonight, and we saw John. lol, he is soooooooooooooooo hot. omg, you should have seen him in those red socks!!!!!!" Just so you know, I have this hidden-thing with red socks, because I heard these two girls talking about a guy in red socks one day, and how hott he was. But I want to keep a diary of my personal thoughts. Not that I went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant, but that while I was at a Mexican restaurant I thought about this and that and the other. And by the way, I went to a Mexican restaurant tonight. I ordered C off the vegetarian menu, like I have the past two times. It was delicious. As always. I have this diary I keep now, it's my connection to the people in InternetLand, if there even is anyone out there. And I have a notebook that I write in sometimes, but I don't have anything small and convenient to carry around with me. For things like this, is why I wish to own a purse sometime in the near future. -S dOLLY|YJJOb Z-
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hey buttface, get online sometime.