
That was the name of the song I was listening to when I started taking some of the following pictures. I ended up making a series of sorts, so I gave them titles. Go me! And you may see a nipple or two! And I'm actually serious this time! =o But I kept it PG-13, so don't worry. I got pretty crazy making these pictures. I'm a guy, by the way. So be warned horny man-dogs! American Teh Gothik Sa like. I'm a big fan of the painting, and I got this nifty idea of putting on my old spike collar (that I've never worn to be seen by anyone), and making a parody of both the painting, and loser-suicide "goths." I ended up going in a different direction, though. I kinda liked the pictures, so I didn't screw them up by adding fake blood (ketchup!). Please be aware that I'm not one of those angsty kids, though. Please. :-( The first two pictures were as a joke. And the whole little set was going to be a joke. Notice how I look like I'm really upset in the first picture. Which I'm not. It was supposed to be funny. But by the third picture-ish, I had fun with it. So it doesn't matter how funny it is after that. Mmhm. Statue of Li-bra-ty Yeah, I just named it this because of the green (school uniform) shirt. Ick. Mmhm. ;D Eating da Hand This may gross you out. My mouth is pretty big. ;- Another Living Hand As if Handzilla wasn't enough the first time. He's come back again. This time as an intellectual. Amazing, it'n it? Oooh, FACED! Just some shots of my FACE. With sarcastic-ish "facial poses." Yes, I'm done. THNX! -JOSH
Read 5 comments
Cute pictures :o)

They made my day :oD

♥ Lyss*
LOL. Liek ur in so much pain cuz ur so gay. rite??!

I just realized that people who read your comments who don't know me must think I actually talk like that. Oh well.
Aw. I'm sorry you're still sick :o(
Huh? But Wait-
*sneeze, cough, sniffle*
*GasP* I think you gave it to me!

No more commenting on my diary Mr.Contagious... >:o(

*Hehe* Just Jokin :o)

I hope you feel better soon :oD
Until then, AOL remains very lonely.

♥ Lyss
very interesting.
Haha. I actually think it's just the angle in that picture, but whateva. And it's funny you should say my eyebrows look good because they are way out of control. I swear, I look like Bert from sesame street. No lie. But anyway, yeah, I stayed out of school yesterday and today. I don't think I've been this sick since I had to go the hospital in ninth grade. This is the first time I've been out of bed since ten last night. It really sucks ass. :(