Minus The Detail

And you get this entry. And almost everyone in my second block class. You're left with ignorance. My class just had a debate on whether or not Gay Marriage is right or wrong and we also had a debate on Seperation of Chuch and State. Even now in homeroom [right after second block] someone from that class is in here and is pissed off. She disagreed with my viewpoint and is now trying to say I am wrong. Just a minute ago-- SOME GUY: I think it (prayer in school) should be allowed. GRAE: So do I, unlike some people. [She has an angry look on her face and turns as she says this] ME: I didn't see you saying anything. GRAE: Oh, I did you just didn't hear it. ME: I just saw you throwing off on other people. GRAE: I said stuff you just didn't hear it. And I guess the world has gotten worse because of gay marriage. [I support gay marriage, by the way] ME: Gay marriage can be part of the problem, Grae. Not motivation for it. What's wrong with gay marriage? GRAE:It's wrong. ME:Why is it wrong? GRAE: Because the Bible says it is. ME: So you follow and do everything in the Bible? GRAE: ...Yep... We also had an argument about The Moment of Silence and how people don't use that, so what would the point be in even having prayer in school. We just had a moment of silence, and I noticed how no one took that moment to Pray or do whatever other than what they were already doing. So many ignorant remarks were made. I just don't think this is the time or place to discuss something like that. And just for the record, I'm not mad because people disagreed with me, I'm mad because of the way everyone was pushy. Some of the people who had different opinions from me were very nicely worded and I think, whether being funny or not, I sincerely clapped for them. Of course I was being goofy by clapping, but I also meant that as a very good point and example. So yeah. I'll right later. -The God.
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Well, you know how Grae is..."I think those are tastebuds." Yup. Me thinks she's stupid. So she'll do anything anybody tells her. P+S