A beginning...

Feeling: lazy
I guess this being my first entry, I should attempt to make some sort of an attempt at drawing your attention. Fuck that. You want interesting, go get high and try to figure out why hotdogs come in packages of six and buns in packages of eight. You want entertainment, go find a midget and a monkey and make them wrestle. You want to feel better about yourself, go to Denny's and try to guess how many Voltswagon's you would have to eat to be as fat as the fattest person there. I am not writing for your enjoyment. My life isn't fun and it sure as fuck isn't entertaining. If your reading this, you probably don't have much of a life either. That being said, I spend most of my time in search of a buzz. When shit gets bad, its my way to forget how bad it is. When things are good, I can only think of how much better they would be with a buzz. Thats my life at the moment.
Read 3 comments
Damn good writer you are. I respect you, keep writing. About your way of dealing with things..I think everyone has a way of faking to cope, for some its denial, others its drugs. I think you get my drift. PEACE
aww i know how you feel. i hope that you feel better sweetheart
Yes, drugs are my way of coping. However, I think I should specify what I mean by drugs-I mean weed.. Just thought I'd clear up that buzz word.