Questioning Reality

Feeling: pissedoff
The more things I know the less I understand. Knowlege is such a subjective thing. In choosing what we study and what we think about, we in effect choose what we know. Accepting this, I bring the question, do we choose what is truth? I, like everyone else, like to believe that the truth is completely seperate from my perception. However, I've been mulling over the thought that truth is also subjective to what we want to believe to be true. For some people it is true to them that they are god and that is completely real to them. Generally, it is our intuition to accept what we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch as being true in that our senses do not lie to us. We accept what our body tells our mind is real. I've been thinking that maybe everything is a lie. Maybe everything that my body is telling me to be true is a lie. And that maybe everything I interpret to be true, is in all actuality the falsification of the sensations of my brain. Maybe the mind misinterprets things and tricks you into believing things that aren't real. Think about all of the times when you are alone. Think about the events that happen in those moments. Many of those events have no proof or even witness to the fact that they went on. Perhaps what happens in that time isn't really time at all. I mean, the general interpretation of history is that if something did in fact happen, there will be some sort of evidence to that fact. This leads me to believe that maybe something completely miraculous and wonderful that explains everything could have happened, but only to one person.If there is no proof or other witnesses to an event did that event actually take place? The view of modern science and of the working society today says no. Without physical evidence or proper accounts of an event, it didn't actually take place. I guess thats where science and social constructs fall short. Because we have no way of looking back at an event, nothing can be real. Nothing can be true. In those moments, your mind could easily slip you lies about what is reality. Thats what I think dreams are. Sleep is the time when we are most alone. Its just us and our thoughts. No social constructs. No bullshit reason. At least in the physical sense, there are no real purposes even. No outside influences whatsoever. It is when we dream that I believe we see reality in its most true form. We see the world as it truely exists to us. In our own from, in our own environment, in our own proving ground, we see the things that this so-called reality can't provide us. In essence, our dreams take over where science and society leave off. If we learn to control our dreams, we learn to control our lives. Furthermore, I believe that, under this little philosophy, our dreams do not mimic our waking hours, but rather our waking hours mimic our dreams. If what we see in our dreams feels the most real to us, is that not reality? I mean if reality is determined by what we feel, and what we feel is real when we sleep, reality is a dream. Maybe our waking hours are just the crust of the bread and we haven't even had any real food yet. Maybe when we die, when we sleep forever, we dream forever. Maybe thats when we really wake up. Maybe when we transition into our dream of death, whatever our perception of reality was is now our eternity. If this is true, then whatever our outlook in life would determine what our eternity would be like. If you view the world as a shitty place, and have shitty nightmares, your death dream would be as such. That would suck if my occational pessimism caused me to have a shitty afterlife. On the otherhand, I have to be honest with myself and feel shitty if I feel shitty. Of course, as I said earlier, everything I tell myself could really just be a bunch of lies. Well, thats it. No conclusions. Just questions. Right where I started, is rightly where I leave, without any real understanding of things. The more questions I have, the more I search for answers. The more I search for answers, the more questions I discover. Of one thing I am certain, though. The day I no longer have questions will be my last. For the day I am no longer searching for something is the day I cease to change. The only state that humans remain in without change, is death. Without change, we die. All I can say is dream. Dream whatever dream you must and live if only in that dream.
Read 7 comments
Even when I'm having a bad day, just watching that fat kid jump makes me feel warm inside! Thanks for having him on your sitD. *kissies*
that fat kid thing is scaring the shit out of me.
wow! really well thought! No ofense, but just one question, were you on anything when you wrote this? I found it fasinating, however what you described, kind of sounded like what people describe when they are high, i'm not trying to offend you in anyway, what you wrote, was awesome. But couldn't help but think, maybe just maybe...yeah, but anyways, i love what you wrote, very good stuff, see i love how you think...very cool.
I was high for about a third of it. I wrote the first few paragraphs sober Then, I wrote a good portion of the middle high. Then, I left, came back sober, and finished it up. Thats how I write most of the things I say. Thats how I do my English papers now too. I'm far more creative on drugs. I'm also far more focused, surprisingly enough. Writing also kind of enhances the buzz a little bit because the part of the brain that recieves pleasure...
...from creativity and that same part is stimulated by marijuana. Because it is pleasureful to be creative, my high is often enhanced because it recieves multiple pleasures at once. Now I just need sex, lol(jokes). (I am high right now).
that fat person disturbes me!
yeah, that's what i thought, i just didn't want to offend you in case you weren't. Well maybe i can help you with the sex part, just kidding totally kidding. :P good stuff, well you are fairly creative, i like what you write, too bad it's when you're high, but hey! still good writing skills, i'll stop now. good stuff.