Chaos and the Human Condition

Feeling: pissedoff
I realized that I haven't been writing as much philosophy as I was in my earlier entries. I think I'm slowly starting to think less. I guess my routine loss of brain cells is finally catching up to me. Anyhow, I'm going to give it another shot. Lately, I've been studying the notion of a society without problems, a utopia if you will. For this my deffinition of utopia is a completely peaceful environment. Without absolute peace in the environment, there can be no true utopia. If there is chaos in the envoronment we live, our environment cannot be absolutely peaceful and, thus, because we are the result of our environment and our own genetics, we cannot be completely peaceful. Utopia is impossible, there is little doubt to that in my mind. But why? I believe it is because chaos is something that humans need to survive. We thrive in the chaos that surrounds us. I believe this because we need chaos to progress and we need to destroy things to continue to function. We as humans need chaos to change for the better, and to progress. It may be a sad fact, but without our struggles, our ambition, our overall will to dominate, we would not have much of anything we have here today. We need to fight. We need to war. We need to destroy things from time to time. Destruction is a form of creation. When we destroy the old we become the new. We, as human animals, need to be agressive in the way that we do things from time to time. Our unwillingness to stay the same is part of our existence. Humans need to destroy in order to continue to function. It is in the destruction that we were born, by the eating of other plants and animals that we destroy that we survive. We destroy other creatures to give ourselves life. Chaos is in our blood. You can feel it with every heartbeat, with every stomach gurgle, with every breath you take, your body is thriving in chaos. Our attitudes can be in many ways traced to those of our genetics and general insticts. Utopian societies cannot exist if there is still chaos in their environment. Utopia is impossible because peace, at least peace with all aspects of our environment, is impossible. One might even venture to say that chaos is just a part of the universe and that all things are chaotic in the energies that exist. Energy itself could possibly be said to be chaotic. I don't know about all of that, but humans deffinitely need to be chaotic.
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The universe is a product of chaos
can you go to my diary adn give me some advice on my newest entry? thank you so much i just need help ahhh!
i love your thoughts. maybe we could redefine utopia a little. a world where chaos is useful. this world. maybe this is utopia and we just don't rememeber. the good is good, and the bad makes the good good. and the best even better. and good things come out of "bad" things. like evolution. maybe the idea is not to eliminate all of those "bad" things that are not peace, but to channel that energy and work with it rather than resist it.
good thoughts, it's like "the circle of life" but if you think about it, well in your case if you think about it even more, the world would be a boring place if not for chaos. Good thoughts, i like.