Lawful Hypocracy

Listening to: "Marijuana" -Phish
Feeling: stressed
"Nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced(drug laws). It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this." ~~ Albert Einstein, "My First Impression of the USA" (1921). Hmm... Albert, would you like a hit? More than likely, he was talking about prohibition. Nonetheless, it is very much so true. The laws have too many restrictions and too few true protectory laws. I can go out, live on my own, pay my own bills, work for a living, vote, and die for my country, but if drink a single drop of alcohol, I'm just a dumb kid. Then, the law bends me over and fucks me in the ass, all in the name of so-called "justice." We knew justice was blind, but it is a new discovery that it is also deaf and dumb. And the law is equally retarded when it comes to marijuana laws. Everyone I know that smokes all the time is much more in control than the people I know that get drunk all of the time. The fact is that marijuana is the healthier habbit and the hypocracies that exist in this country are astounding. I can wait a week and have a gun to kill everyone I know, but I better think twice before I buy a dime sac. Fuck the police, fuck the police, fuck 'em.
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maybe you were like me at one point?
Yes, I was just talking yesterday with my friends about lucid dreams. Those are the best ones. Ive always wanted to try LSD for that purpose.I refrain because of what it does to you. The buzz happens because the brain bleeds down your spine. Sometimes this bleeding cant be stopped and people get caught in bad trips forever or they die.If I want to do it, I can.I am going to try mushrooms soon.I understand that the buzz is similar, but less risky.
(cont) so one day the teach us in school about lsd trips and whatnot and run short on time neglecting the side effects thank God I didnt know anyone who could get me some cuz I would have so taken it. the next day they tell us about the side effects the bad trips the flashbacks letalone that it fries your brain I was so bummed all throughout history man has searched for euforia and means by to atain it.drugs are an expensive way but stil a way.
As one who has not expiramented with drugs I can honestly say I realize the apeal. Even though I think alcahol (particularly beer) tastes absolutely awful but I know that some people really like what it does to their awareness. When I was learning about different kinds of drugs and what they do I was soooooo tempted to take lsd. I love dreams- i would say the reason for sleap are dreams. Especialy 'lucid dreams'. tbc
I am not an expert on this, nor anything else. I am just exploring my thoughts here and expressing my opinions. Its fun to me because I have fun when I get a buzz. Its just what my experiences have shown me. You need to experience it for yourself to really have an opinion on the matter. Not to say that those who have not tried it do not have a valid opinion, but they have a more informed opinion. just to clarify, I am drunk right now.
well how do you know? (don't take this the wrong way, I'm just curious) what makes you an expert? and also why is it soo much fun?
hahahah, your a great kid, i like how you think, comment me dollie, im sure i wont give you entertainment like you wish though =/
First of all, I do not feel that these laws protect me and they deffinitely don't serve me. Secondly, drinking and drug use are tools that I, like many others, use to have fun. I have fun when I'm doing these things. Its not for everyone, as I said before. I think its ok for everyone, but, like most tools, its best left to those who know how to use them. I think people should know themselves before they know drugs.
well there is a reason in which the police do what they do. It's for your sake and your protection. You know? Why are drugs so great? why is drinking considered to be having a good time? Explain to me this...what makes it so wonderful? why not do it? why isn't it ok for others but ok for some?
I think it is more about public walefare as well as the welfare of the citizes (which leads to a broader more liberal topic than I wish to get into)
As for me, I like to think I have the capacity to deal with reality as it comes to me without the sence dulling affects of drugs (of corse excluding the ocasional painkiller when necissary) However at the same time I feel that everything is ermisible but not all things are edifying. just my 2 cents
Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia
hope you don't mind I added you to my friend list...and I went back and read some of your previous stuff I commented there, but yeah...
I feel the way I feel because I'm tired of seeing my friends punished so harshly for never hurting anyone. I'm tired of having to hide out whenever I want to have a good time. I'm tired of worrying that at any time I could be kicked out of college for simply enjoying myself. Most of all, I'm tired of cops getting off on the pain and suffering that they inflict and the fear that they envoke. I mean, a badge and a gun doesnt give you that right.
Personally, I believe that the user should decide whether or not they can handle a substance. But people are dumb so I don't know how this can be completely done. There is no easy solution. Weed is not for everyone, nor is alcohol. I just think that the laws need to be loosened up a bit. I think marijuana and alcohol should be legal when you turn 18(not that I hadn't tried both by that age). Oh, and I'm at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.
may I ask why you feel this way? and also awesome cartoon thing (very funny)~(lovin' it)
Ahhh, who decides who can and cant handle a substance though? And true: I think many laws are meant to prevent possibly harmful actions. Laws are obviously going to be less permissive when the saftey or freedoms of another person other than the one involved in the action in question might be jepordized. Its a difficult subject particularly when dealing with so many different kinds of value systems. Out of curiousity where do you go to school?
As to the edification vs. remissability, I think our law, as is most law, is built on a fear of consequences for doing wrong rather than incentives to do right. Of course, that gets into a big huge discussion of what is right and wrong, which I need not go into. I feel that I am being persecuted because I MIGHT do something stupid when I've smoked. We don't persecute people who buy computers because they MIGHT hack into other people's computers.
The way I see it, reality is what we make of it. If I want to make my reality a little bit offset from normal perception, that is my choice and no one else's. I'm not in any way advocating the retarded things people do under the influence, nor am I excluding the possibility of these things from myself. I feel that people that can't handle the substances they ingest, they shouldn't have them.