No one is happy

Feeling: sparkly
After having read many of the diaries of the people around, I've decided that no one is really happy. Everyone seems to have something they don't like happening to them or everyone seems to feel that the world is somehow opposing them. I'm beginning to believe that unhappiness is part of the human condition. We all seem to be searching for something more. The more we get that appears to make us happy, the more we try something new to make us feel even better. The more displeasing life is, the more we realize what we don't have. The realization of this fact is both soothing and depressing at the same time. We are soothed to know that others feel the same way we do, but at the same time we are saddened by the disenchantment of happiness. The realization that no one I know is happy makes me feel that happiness is that much more unnattainable. Perhaps humans were not meant to be happy. Perhaps it is despair that keeps us trying to improve our lives. Maybe despair, or the fear of despair keeps us motivated to progress our lives. Maybe we are meant to be miserable. P.S. That sucks.
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I know... I agree, and that sucks...
thanks. [backdoorbetty]
Several things, 1. If you don't believe in God then 'perhaps meople wern't ment to be happy...' by who? Who didn't mean for us to be happy? and 2. concider the site: most of the users are adolecents and if you remember a few years back NO adolecent is happy for crying out loud. I wasn't happy, I am now though. When your a teen everything seems to suck, you start to realie the world is full of people and people arn't perfect.
That's why it all depends on the attitude we as humans take...and yeah it does suck.