An interesting night to say the least....

Feeling: exhausted
OK. So the most fucked up thing ever just roommate and another guy that lives in our hall just got arrested for underage consumption and voyeurism. Its a pretty funny story actuall. Let me start from the beginning... Earlier tonight Marcy Playground was performing a free concert just outside of our dorms in the park. So, needless to say, we all got really drunk and went to see it. Marcy Playground is actually a really good band, despite their only having one song that anyone really knows(Sex and Candy). Anyhow, we got pretty fucked up, walked across campus to an apartment, and got a whole lot more fucked up. I was really drunk and I smoked some opium, actually(this technically doesn't break my vow because I only vowed against marijuana...also it was free). And so did the guy that got busted(not my roommate). Then, Steve(my roommate) and Mark(the other guy) left and went to another party to get more fucked up. I stayed back and continued to smoke opium. This was my first time on the drug and I actually didn't like it at all. Thats beside the point, though. Continuing the story, I make the long trek back to the dorms a few hours later to find Steve and Mark really smashed and hanging around in the halls. They clearly had had enough. I was pretty sober at this point so I was just looking to have some Spagetti-Os and crash, but I stopped to talk to them in the hall for a bit and I find out that the guy across the hall, Mike, is in fact engaged in a threesome with two girls. Before I go any further, it was well-known that these girls are not very attractive and, though I am not one to judge, I wouldn't say that Mike is very attractive either. In other words, I was a little disgusted to hear about this and I deffinitely didn't want any part of this. However, Steve and Mark, in their drunken state, thought it would be hilarious to go outside and peep through the window. To me, this sounded like a horrible idea and I simply said "Whatever. I'm gonna go eat some Spagetti-Os." I think most people can see where the story is going from here. A cop spotted them being jackasses outside before they even got close enough to see into window, which in fact had closed blinds. Needless to say, Steve and Mark were taken away in handcuffs. They got caught for underage consumption and voyeurism, as I mentioned earlier. Heres the funny part. It wouldn't have been voyeurism if one of them wasn't "sexually exited." Thats right. Either Steve or Mark had a boner while out there. Fucking hilarious. So, by the time the cop left, everyone in the hall knew about what was going on. We all had a good laugh over the matter, but the fact remained that it sucked ass that they got arrested. It really sucked for Mark, in particular, for a couple of reasons. He had opium in his system and he didn't even have shoes on when he got arrested. The fucking cop wouldn't even let him go get shoes. The whole situation was looking pretty bad. I mean, we would have to bail them out in the morning and that just sucked all the way around. It turns out that in fact what the police called a "hard-on" was actually just the results of the tight shorts that Mark was wearing. He, in fact, was not turned on. I know this because about 2 hours after it happened, the "prisoners" returned with news. The cops let them off a little easy and they didn't have to spend the night in court. They have a courtdate on Monday. This whole thing is entirely fucked up. I do believe it was a horrible idea to go out there and try mess with Mike. That was just fucking dumb. However, they were not intending anything sexual or creepy, they just wanted to fuck around with one of our friends. I mean, the whole thing was a little bit childish, but hey, they were really drunk. People do stupid childish things when they are drunk. Just my thoughts on the subject. Anyhow, its 5:30 in the morning...I'm gonna go to bed now.
Read 4 comments
gosh how i love your thoughts on friend you see the truth.take care.
look at him go!!! anyway, marcy playground yeah thats fuckin cool, do you remember them playing a song called its saturday. its like mom im dyin im dizzy and fryin my throat hurts i think i should stay in bed, cause i got some kind of disease and there are no remedies, think i should stay in bed, maybe tomorrow go out and play, its saturday. yeah sorry i like the song. cloak of elvenkind is good also. pzwesSIDE
that sucks about your buddies
how intrestin...