holy shit u guys...i just came back from the blink concert....and shit that was a kickass show! the living end, no doubt, then blink. it just cant get better. but wait here's how the shit went d0wn. we got there, and first thing i did was go get myself a shirt and a hat. then after that, i found my boyfriend! i was so psyched that i got to see him. THEN there was this other band playing, and we realized traVIS was there sitting on the stage, then he left and started signing autographs! i almost got one, but then he left. :(. anyway, later on, the living end KICKED ASS! dude they rocked. then it was no doubt! i dont even like no doubt that much...but seriously, they were just awesome. that was just awesome. then later on, right before blink came on, we met up with my EXTREMELY awesome friend riley... *who i'd like to pointe out right now...his dad works backstage and his mom works VIP* and so i got to move from lawn to a box place thingy...it was awesome, i was like 7 or 8 rows away from MARK!!! but then riley's mom moved us....and thank god she did. you kno why?! DO YOU WANNA KNO WHY she fuckin MOVED US!? because T-RAVIS came out on a platform with a drumset, and played.....5 friggin feet AWAY FROM ME! are you listening/reading?? I WAS FIVE FEET AWAY FROM TRAVIS BARKER, and I SAW HIM. dude. that was like a dream come true. i was so pissed off tho, cuz i didnt have a camera. that woulda been the best picture ever. blink did awesome, so did no doubt and living end. the show kicked ass. whoever is going to it.....HELL YEAH! goodnight folks
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