Listening to: none
Feeling: screwed
sorry i had to make my last entry a private one. it was sort of personal. okay i take that back, it was really personal. but it felt a little better to let that out. and thanks hushed dreamer for your comment :). made me feel better. i luff you chica!
anyway, the reason i made it private was because the person i was mentioning as "you" about might have read it. and i didnt want that. it would case serious drama, and the world knows that drama just keeps piling on for you until you cant fucking take it anymore right? yes. so yeah thats about it. right now im babysitting my spoiled little brother who cant handle the fact that he has to actually do his homework by himself, and without anybody giving him the answers. oh did i mention he's in the 4th grade? yeah he is.
by the way...i did see that last entry...but i'm not gonna tell Kelly about it...i'll leave that up to you