Listening to: green day
Feeling: zealous
mmm man i love those hershey's milkshake things, cookies n cream being my favorite. my goodness this thing is so yummy! its seriously like an orgasmic experience drinking these, just like when i eat snickers (haha kelly). but seriously, yum.
sooo here in a little bit i hafta go to my dance studio to be an assistant dance teacher for the little 2nd grade jazz class. they are so cute. i wouldnt go cuz i have a ton of homework, but those girls love me and i dont want to ruin their day by not going.
uhh yeah i just got an update on the stupid rumor thing with my cousin. UMMM all i can say is WHAT THE FOOKING FOOK! how can you live with yourself knowing that you're doing that to your best friend? thats really really REALLY shallow of you. and its not fair. just because you want to be popular and get all the attention doesnt mean that in order to get that attention you should make up stupid lies about your friend. thats DEFINITELY not a friend. if you keep doing that kind of thing you're going to keep losing friends, and pretty soon you wont be popular. so think about your friends before you think about yourself, you self-absorbed immature inconsiderate brainless fooktard. and to read what i had said before just go to my last entry (to the people who clicked on the link in my cousin's profile) and i apologize if i sound mean. but seriously. how would you feel?
it is.
i hope everything goes okay this time tho.
for some reason i feel like we'll have quite a few fights soon.
i donno.