to value a friendship.

Listening to: fuck music.
stupid girl: can i aske you a question? stupid girl: -e.. wise: evening, ma'am stupid girl: hey:-) stupid girl: sorry stupid girl: i just didn't know if you'd respond wise: shiga boom stupid girl: excellent stupid girl: so can i? wise: of course stupid girl: ok, why does [he] pretend i don't exist? wise: it's not so hard wise: logically, why would someone do that? stupid girl: ouch- stupid girl: why would someone? or why would [he]? i've always considered the two separate worlds... stupid girl: but i would say stupid girl: because they are...uncomfortable? wise: out of dislike for a person stupid girl: that was my next guess. wise: true stupid girl: but if you didn't like someone, wouldn't you tell them so? stupid girl: i mean, if you valued the friendship and you wanted them to stop doing whatever it was the sparks the whole dislike bomb? wise: good reasoning stupid girl: ...but....? wise: you answered yourself wise: if he valued the friendship... stupid girl: value of friendship? stupid girl: oh stupid girl: well i guess that answers my question then, huh:- stupid girl: um, thanks wise: hey, I didn't make his mind up stupid girl: no i know stupid girl: i'm actually kinda shocked... stupid girl: i meant thanks for answering my'll save me a lot of time and trouble, heh... wise: will it? stupid girl: yeah i'm sure you can guess who I was in this one. having just realized i've lost one of my favorite people in the whole fucking wide world, i've not selected a music selection or mood for this entry..i don't think any of those moods include what i'm feeling. i actually think i'm going to throw up. why are these things so obvious to other people?
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