Listening to: Prince- Purple Rain
Feeling: abandoned
Hey Guys,
So first, LeAnne broke up with me, which im ok with. i still like LeAnne, but our relationship was gping no where and we'll be better as friends.
next, Today i was suppost to go to the movies w/ Car Kyle and rae. we saw it was playing on Fri and decide to go see PotO. yesterday i was a raes for Steve BB-day party (and feeling like a 7th wheel) and rae was talking to scott, kyle and car about going and left me out. then no one calls me today and i feel left out and hated. kyle and car didnt go but rae and scott did. if it had been me and my date w/ rae in my sich, i would have included her and not tried to knock her out of the picture. so now im home andalone and hurt. so i have 2 words for her: fuck u. at least i stuck w/ u. i saved what i could of our relationship and u didnt even care. u no i would have included u no matter what. ive been there with u for the last month, even with u doing stuff with scott right in my face. i never would have done that 2 u. wise up. other have fellings. i respected u enough to not do things like that in front of u. im not the only one its getting 2. kyle feels the same way about u 2 as u feel about him and car. i feel like ur just a user. u dumped kyle, and hes treated like shit, we break up and even though we were friends for ever, u shit on me to. i feel like i can talk to u anymore, u dont care about ne one but ur self. i have to go to others to talk, and u have no clue. i really wished ued wisen up. u may be tired of "doing things for other people," but did u ever do things for others to begin with or have u just made up a stupid excuse to get ur way? think about it and call me in the morning.
P.S. to every one else, i love u and have a great spring break.
You helped me, I owe it to you as a friend. And as for not calling you today...stupid mom was filing taxes online for 7 HOURS. Grr.
Wub ya Benki Ronso. :D
i am really sorry for leanne. and i didnt, know i was treating you so poorly. look if i could just defend myself for one moment, i have to be a different person around different people, and i am happy to just be me, but i feel like people really need me to be who they want to be. i'm sorry that just this once i didn't think of you first. you might not realize this but i have changed so much for you. and not out of spite, but because i cared