Why the poem?

Recently in Eng. Lit. we've been doing this "on your own" project where we have to read works and write about these 5 different writers, and i've come across some things i really like and thought i would share with you all. Kubla Khan is cool, i think its about sex, tell me what you think. Tintertin Abby kinda struck me cuz i have a happy place and i've been back to that place and its amazing that feeling. Ne ways, When We Two Parted i understand, and i see ithappening everyday at school, its kinda cool. to ne one who takes the time to read Modest purposal, God Bless you. this is a very good work, but long as an entry, but its a satir, poking fun at England for being pricks to Ireland. ne ways, they are all awsome works. to find more cool old literature a good site is http://www.anova.org/#04 well got to go Ben
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oh my god all that fightingin is over a shirt????? how pathetic. Of course i am like the cheapist shopper ever cause i have spent $24 over the last two weeks and gotten, 5 shirts, 1 dress, a reversable skirt, and a new pair of black slacks. that doesn't include the $7 i have spent on three pairs of dress shoes (two black heals and one silver sandle) so i think that is kinda petty.
i read your poems, and they are really cool, i want to take an english literature class, but i am not too sure if i would understand anything that would be said to me.
hi, well me name is shanon, and i am strongly thinking of taking the class, thanks.
hi, well me name is shanon, and i am strongly thinking of taking the class, thanks.
oh and my background waas from google, just look up death.