Listening to: Blueberry Yum, yum - Ludacris
Feeling: bratty
SO ya!!! I was at the bar lastnight as always, good ol' Pherophs!! And i have a few to drink...nothing new lol. So then I was standing by the doors, and this big black guy starts talking to ya I started to flirt a bit, and then he handed me a flyer for Mardi Gras (another club)to come and check it out cuz he's a rapper. At this point I am intoxicated, and don't pay attention really to what he's saying.
Personally I thought that this guy was full of crap...and then my friend Sarah comes over and she's like "why are you talking to this creepy wierdo?" and i was like "I dunno?" anyways we talked some more and stuff, and I kept the flyer to find out that he REALLY is FAMOUS his name is Jhean Lucc? Some sorda Reggea/hip-hop/pop rapper...and he gave me his email addy, and his website, so I checked that out too and he has record deals and what not...and posters, and all that stuff that famous ppl have i guess....he also has 3 Cd's....and ya....he wants me to go to that club and rap with him lol! I was like I don't know how to RAP! i'm a white girl with a Tan thats all!! lol He just said that i should really come and he he hook it with the juno's and stuff cuz he's with some of the ppl from the Juno's.....and he just wants to hang out. So I'm thankful that I actually kept that flyer...and I think that me and Sarah are gonna check this out on Sunday. It should be interasting!! Well I gotta jet see ya'll later!!!