
Listening to: Pon Da Replay
Feeling: angsty
Where the hell did all my FRIENDS GO??? (Off my friends list) What the hell is goin on here!!! lol AHHHHHHH I think I am going Crazy!!! And I think that I am In LOVE BABY!!! jk hahaha Well Peace out ya'll! XoXoXoX P.S Everything worked out for me with my job and all. THANK GOD!! AND my best friend just got a promotion too!! She is going to manage her own store, super close to where I work too!! YAY I have a new lunch buddy now!! hahahaha I'm out!
Read 5 comments
Stupid sitDiary deleted everyones friends list like a bunch of dumbass'. Anyways, add me! Miss talking to you! Hope to talk to ya soon! l8rz!
Yeah I know, sux! So what have ya been up to girl!
Not much, samething thing here. Just working and be bored as usual. A man huh, thats cool. Are you still planning to come visit sometime. What are you gettin surgery for.
Aww, ok, my email is ttyl
hey hey! whats up girl! reply from last comment- i would take a trip up north if i knew where that was where you from? oh and the uhhh smoke out contest is still on! hit it like you.......stole it? lol well l8r sexy