
So I'm not sure about the extensions, the only place I could find did braids only. Ugly and expensive, and I don't want braiids. I'm gonna wait 'til back-to-school and ask the cosmetology teacher if she knows of somewhere.:[ Plus, I'm gonna save the new tattoo 'til the big eighteenth b'day. As for the new piercing, I just need a job first. 'cause... most jobs don't like piercings, so I'll secure a position THEN get it. Mm...septum pierciiiing♥ Just watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Oh, how I love owning it on DVD... :] &DVD reminds me that I ordered the Meet your Meat video from Peta2 yesterday, with my street team points. I can't wait til it comes. I also can't waiiit til my prom dress and sneakers come. ANNNND 'til my friend gets home Monday. Must... have... her... back. Got to talk to her last night. :] Yesterday I wanted to watch a movie and I couldn't think of anything good to eat, so I told my dad I would find something to eat later. He was leaving, and he said something to the likes of "I think you should get your food ready now, so I can make sure you're going to eat." I'm like, "Dad, are you going to sit and watch me eat? 'cause I'll never talk to you again." ".....*pause*... no. I just wanna make sure you're eating" Make sure I eat? ahahah. when I told my mom she laughed as hard as I did. Never thought I'd see the day my dad thought I was some sortof anorexic. Espeically since he saw me eat everyday I was there. hahah. I loved it. My mom picked me up today from dad's, and we went shopping. Got a bunch of awesome new shirts, some sexy new hoops earrings, even found a decent pair of capris. And some fake meat. mmm. :D Ohmaan, plus I got to have a cookie dough blizzard from DQ. BEST thing EVER. end of story. Being home, the time actually went decently fast. Napped, watched movies, showered... I think I might actually survive march break? Then again.. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Anyhoo, these movies aren't going to watch themselves...
Read 4 comments
haha, it would be an honor to sing that to you in bed. &i would do it too. &you have march break? unacceptable. weeee don't have march break. that's it. i'm coming up there to watch movies with you &sing to you when you wake up. kk? &i'm writing you a letter as we speak, mhmm. love you!
They were relativley inexpensive, around 60$ to get ALL the stuff you need to do it yourself. And don't worry about a couple "vanity" pounds like that, you probably look fine, if not great. =]
SORRY ANOTHER COMMENT.. BUT I LOVE SEPTUM PEIRCINGS. and, I thought it was necessary for you to know. haha. I have double nostril, so you know that's next on the list!
yeah, I remember you. NIN is the shit, im glad I went to see them. concerts in general are awesome, cause I was rollin my balls off. Staind and 3 days grace are coming next month, might go see them for the hell of it cause not a big fan of either, but light show and shows are bad ass. im out G. peace