I am in love with Get Rich or Die Trying.I am in love with 50 Cent. I will marry that man. I will scream that from the rooftops. :D so sad about the concert. Sooo sad. :(
So, as my instincts told me, my mom was keeping family issues from me. My aunt stopped in after we left my grandmothers and started talking openly about the issues, which I assume she thought I knew about. I was in a different room, however, so I'm not sure my mom is aware now that I know. The thing is, I'm often one of the very few who can handle family shit with any sense of rationality. I have no idea why I'm outside the loop on this one. No idea.
Friday we skipped school, did bad things, blahblah. Hung out with nosey.
Saturday I was in [unexpected?] immense physical pain, so decided not to party & we came home.
Got some serious hookups that night though.
I am VERY happy about that.
This weekend looks promising.
I am pissed at nearly everyone.
I am cold. Inside&out.
I am not looking to be alone forever. I am looking for the perfect mate.
Is that so much to ask? I mean, really. ;p
This is what dreams are made of...
talk soon :)